Chapter 38 - "Don't punch me if you lose."

Start from the beginning

"I don't need to prepare to beat you."

"We'll see about that."

As if thinking the same thing, they moved over to their gym teacher. Link watched them walk away, with a half smile. Mr. Danes looked up as they both approached. His eyes flickered between the two of them, his expression cautious.

"Can we borrow your two stop watches?" Donovan asked.

Mr. Danes straightened and crossed his arms.

"What for?" he asked, his tone betraying his curiosity.

"We're going to prove that I'm faster than Donovan," Carter said.

Mr. Danes gave a low chuckle and shook his head. He reached into the pocket of his black pants and pulled out two stop watches.

"Knock yourselves out," he said, handing them over. He focused on Carter. "I mean that in a figurative sense, Owens."

With a wink, she turned away. They walked back to Link, who studied them with crossed arms.

"You sure this is a good idea?" he asked.

Carter and Donovan looked at each than back at him.

"Why wouldn't it be?" she asked.

He shrugged. "I just have this feeling you'll never talk to each other
after this."

"Don't worry," Donovan said. "I'm sure Carter won't be too broken up about losing."

She smirked at him and handed Link one of the stopwatches. She looked back at Donovan.

"What do you say? Keep it easy and do a mile?" she asked.

He gave a nod. "Sounds good."

They recruited a second student to work the other stopwatch and walked up to the starting mark. A quarter of the class looked over, vague expressions of intrigue and confusion playing over their faces. Mr. Danes took up a position beside Link, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Carter shook out her arms and rolled her shoulders, loosening up her limbs. Donovan pulled his knee to his chest and then switched. By the time their muscles were ready, the rest of the class had began to wonder what was going on.

"Ready?" Link asked.

Donovan and Carter both sank down into a crouch, their finger tips barely resting in the red turf. He turned his head to her and she met his gaze.

"Don't punch me if you lose," he said.

"Don't pout if I win."

Link raised the stopwatch and the second student followed suit.

"Alright, on your mark."

Carter focused her attention back on the track.

"Get set."

She took in a breath, every nerve rearing to go.


They shot off like bullets from a gun. They rounded the first turn at a dead sprint. Carter found her rhythm and sank deeper into it. The sound of her breath, the pounding of their shoes, and the wind in her ears were the only things she heard. As Donovan lengthened his strides, she followed, pushing every muscle to work harder.

On the edge of the track, students watched as the two shifted back and forth, neither gaining any distance on the other. More and more students dropped their conversations and watched the two runners. Link clenched the stopwatch without knowing, his own breathing coming in shallow breathes, his gaze riveted on the speeding figures.

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