Chapter 34 - "Do you ever regret it?"

Start from the beginning

When he was done, he stood there lost in his own memories, his arms crossed.

"How does she feel about you leaving for college?" she asked.

Link shrugged. "I'm going to Georgetown so I'm not going far. We've talked of me staying here for the first year. We haven't decided yet." He looked at her. "Where are you going?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet. Georgetown is a possibility, as well as Brown or Stanford. I don't know whether I could leave Captain. We're all each other have."

Before Link could make a comment the door opened, drawing all of their attention as the crashing of voices filled the apartment. Link's mother walked in, dressed in a trim business suit. She was in her mid forties and had a bright, determined gaze.

Behind her a group of men and women walked in. The men's suits were in varying degrees of untidiness. Some had loosened ties, while others had lost their jackets and wore their sleeves rolled up. Link's mom waved them to come in and looked back at the trio in her living room. A warm smile crossed her face as her eyes landed on Link.

"Hi sweetheart," she said. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Sorry to barge in here but something was going on with the heating in the office so we decided to finish up here."

"It's fine," Link said.

Donovan flipped his textbook closed and stood up. "We'll move to my apartment, Monica."

She looked at him and smiled. "I appreciate that."

As Donovan began to pack up, she turned back to Link and shifted her gaze to Carter. Link glanced between them and twisted so Carter was in full view.

"Mom, this is Carter," he said.

His mother stretched out her hand and Carter accepted it.

"It's wonderful to meet you. Sorry about kicking you out," she said, her tone light. "Link has told me wonderful things about you. I hope the next time we meet we'll have a longer time to talk."

Carter smiled. "Me too."

A gruff voice called to Link's mom and she answered a wave of her hand. With a quick glance and last apology, she joined the crowd of men and women, making themselves at home on the dining room table. Link, Carter and Donovan gathered up their things and left the apartment.

The noise of arguing voices died down as they shut the door and walked along the hallway. Donovan pulled out his keys and unlocked three different locks before opening the door.

He stepped inside and automatically reached for the lights, flicking them on. The apartment before Carter surprised her. It was immaculate and designed in a similar layout as Link's but decorated in dark browns and blacks. The only sign that the apartment belonged to Donovan, and not a random bachelor in his thirties, was the punching bag hanging in the corner, the boxing dummy next to it and the shooting range charts on the fridge.

Carter remained in the doorway, as Link moved to the table settled into one of the chairs. Donovan hung up his keys on a small hook and moved to join Link.

"You live here?" she said, her gaze still roaming over the living room and kitchen.

Both Donovan and Link looked at her.

"Yeah, why?" Donovan asked.

"It's not what I expected," she said, focusing on him. "Not that I gave much thought to the matter."

He looked over the apartment, as if really seeing the simple decorations that made it look as if it had come from a magazine.

"What were you expecting? A mattress on the ground and a water canteen?" he asked, his lips twitching at a smile.

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