Chapter 33 - "Look, I can't tell you."

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Carter nodded and Mr. Miller returned his attention to the students in need. A half smile was waiting for her when she looked up at Link.

"It seems you're learning from dating Maddy," she said, her lowering her voice.

Link gave a low chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck, squinting at nothing.

"Yeah," he said, matching her volume, "she is really confusing at times, but I have learned the response 'nothing' actually means there is something going on."

Carter nodded. "Then the next problem is figuring out whether she wants you to accept it or not."

"Yeah. I still don't know that one." He glanced down at the pencil that revolved in his hands then up at her. "So what's it with you?"

Carter didn't speak, the stiff conversations with her father and his impassive expressions flooding her mind. Her face fell into an irritated scowl. Link shifted, frowning at the look that overtook her features. Letting out a frustrated breath of air, she met his gaze.

"I don't know," she said. "But you don't need to worry. I haven't really been paying attention, how has it been going with Maddy?"

He stared at her for a long moment, his expression doubtful.

"Are we dropping the previous subject then?" he asked.

She nodded. "For the time being."

"Okay," Link said. "Well, it's..." an embarrassed smile filled his face, no matter how he fought it. "It's going well. She's not mad at me about what happened Monday. The date seemed to take care of that."

"She looked like she had fun," Carter gave him a sly smile, "buried in your shoulder."

Link's face went red and he made a face at the floor, his smile conquering.

"Uh...yeah, it was good," he said. He looked up at her suddenly. "Did you know she smells like sunshine and peaches?"

The words seemed to come crashing out of their own accord. Carter let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "No, I was not aware of this fact."

Link leaned partially on the desk, his arms crossed and his face intent. "Yeah, and when she's excited about something she'll hold onto my arm as if to make sure I'm actually listening. She also does this thing where she plays with the end of her hair when she's studying. She tied it into a knot once without even noticing..."

Carter rested her head on her fist, listening as Link ran through a list of Maddy's habits. His eyes didn't really see her as he spoke, a smile always on the edge of his lips.

His tirade of all of Maddy's aspects was brought to an end when Mr. Miller called for the class's attention. Link blinked and looked around like he didn't remember he was still in the classroom.

"Alright, if you're not finished with your project, take it home. It will be due Monday," Mr. Miller said. "For those of you who did manage to finish, drop it on my desk on your way out."

The bell rang and the room stood. Students tucked papers away and departed, their expressions showing who had finished and who hadn't. Link looked back at Carter, his face showing his embarrassment.

"Sorry, I kind of...lost track of my thoughts."

"I'm guessing Donovan doesn't thoroughly enjoy bit by bit break downs of Maddy's every movement."

Link chuckled. "I've never even bothered to say anything."

"It's not really his thing. And don't worry, I'm glad you're happy, Link. If anyone deserves it, you do."

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