Chapter 23

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Fred grins as he set Ara down on the seat and sits beside her wrapping his arm around her shoulder as George puts her trunk down and sits across from them

"Where's your friends?"Ara sighs

"With their other friends"Fred grins"We wanted to spend time with out favorite Black slash Snape"

Ara rolls her eyes and whines"I was making friends!"

"You'll see them when you get sorted"George shrugs

"You never know"Ara looks at the twins"We may be in other houses"

Fred and George look at her"You will be in Gryffindore"

Ara rolls her eyes"Whatever,Can I go back now?"

The twins shake their heads at her

Ara leans towards the window

"Harry Potter is on the train"George starts

Ara nods"Boy-who-lived,Great good for him"

Fred and George give her weird looks making Ara roll her eyes"I don't care about him!Severus is right,Who cares"

"Are you feeling ok?"They ask Ara

 Ara groans"He doesn't even know who he is to the wizards,Why should we care if he doesn't?"Ara raises an eyebrow"Now when you dragged me away from my new friends,One of you Weasel's said their was Candy"

Fred laughs and hands her a pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

Ara grins"My Favorite!"She taps the box and eats the random jelly bean

"Well"George asks her

Ara chews and grins"Cherry"

"Lucky!"Fred frowns"Last red one I ate was hot sauce!"

Ara laughs"Idiot"

"Hey!"Fred scowls

"No she's right,I'm the smarter and better looking twin!"George beams at Ara making her roll her eyes

"Whatever you say Georgie"


Ara and George look at Fred"What?"

"You should be in Slytherin"Fred looks at Ara smirking"Your mean and sarcastic!"

"So are you!"Ara scowls

"And you scowl a lot...I think you spend to much time with Snape"Fred adds

"Hey!"Ara punches him in the arm"Shut up!I'm gonna go change into my robes,You should too!"

Ara Black,The Daughter Of PadFootWhere stories live. Discover now