Chapter 14

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Ara had quietly received her robes, hurt by the fact that a woman who treated her like a daughter, and someone she thought of as a mother would just disown her, just like the rest of the Pure Blood Women. Or, those who believed in Blood Purity. At least she'd have Molly, there was no doubt about that. 

Shortly after her robe fitting, and searching for the books that they would need for the year, everyone had went back to the Manor. Ara and Draco quickly escaped into Draco's room while Lucius and Narcissa went else where in the house. 

"Are you okay?"

Ara looked up at her cousin"Of course I am, why do you ask?"

"You look upset"Draco tells her with the slightest of frowns"What's wrong?"

Ara's eyes adverted to her hands and against her better judgment, she told Draco the truth"I am... afraid"

"Of what?"

"Draco, we both know that I am not fit to be a Slytherin"Ara tells him as she sits across from Draco"I am going to be disowned"

Draco starred at Ara for a moment. Her words were truthful, Ara was no Slytherin. But Draco didn't want to hear it, she was his only true friend"You will be a Slytherin"

"Don't be daft, Draco"Ara snapped at him"It isn't going to happen"

"Then Father will talk to Dumbledore, and that stupid hat will-"

"What if I don't want to be a Slytherin?"Ara had finally dropped the question"How does a being placed in a house define who you are? How can you raise someone, and then give them up like it's nothing because of a foolish hat? If you were a Gryffindor-"Draco made a disgusted face"-You'd still be an asshole! I am not fit for the house of the Cunning. Narcissa, or your Father are going to disown me over something so... so... trivial!"

Draco couldn't find any words as he looked at his cousin with a stunned expression. Ara crossed her arms with a sniff and looked away from him. Of course he has no words, he's a idiot. But I'm going to miss him.

"You are going to be a Slytherin"Draco finally said"There isn't anything else to say about it"

Ara wanted to argue with him about it, she was cunning and she cared about other people, not just herself. But her words were cut off by a tiny house elf with big eyes"Master wants young master and young mistress in his office"

"Thank you"Ara said the same time Draco sneered"Go away you stupid elf"

The house elf frightfully left. Ara turned to Draco"What's a matter with you? He was just telling us something. No need to be so rude"

"It's a house elf. Scum beneath our shoe"

Lucius words. Ara knew only those words would come from Draco's father. She flashed Draco a dirty look and they hurrily made they way to Lucius's office.

Ara Black,The Daughter Of PadFootWhere stories live. Discover now