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Please read the authors note at the end

A few weeks had passed, and Armin had started a new job with a travel agency, I stayed at my current job, and it had finally started to get cold in Germany.

I was in the kitchen making some coffee, and I found Armin asleep in his office chair with our cat curled up in his lap.
He works so hard these days, I wish he would take a break every now and then

I left a note for him on his desk saying that I would be at the store, since we got back from Japan we'd been low on groceries, so I decided that since I wasn't doing anything today, I should go restock our food.

I walked into the store that's pretty far away from our house, Armin and I started eating healthier so we decided that this would be a better grocery store to go to, instead of the regular store down the street. The distance is kind of inconvenient, so we just buy a ton of stuff all at once so we don't have to make a lot of trips.

I walked through the linoleum aisles picking up a fuck ton of spinach and kale.

When I was finished buying all the food that was on my shopping list, I headed to a check out area. As I was walking but I noticed a little pharmacy area near the cashiers.

Discounts on pregnancy tests, huh, that's ironic.

It seemed to me, that ever since Armin and I had to go to the doctor because he could of have possibly been pregnant. It seemed like the universe was taunting me because of it. On the way home from work yesterday, I saw a lot of omegas yesterday who were with child. One even looked a bit like my fiancée. To be honest, I kind of clenched my fists together in jealousy. Which I could never tell Armin about.  My fiancée has the perfect body for having pups, we've been told that many times by doctors and random strangers, so I'm still confused on why he isn't open to my idea.

I looked away and continued to buy the stuff I had picked out, bought Armin some more heat suppressants, and headed home.

I came home to see blonde hair facing away from the door at our kitchen table. Armin was on his laptop looking at good venues for our wedding next year.

"I like that one"

My fiancée hadn't realized that I was home apparently and practically jumped 10 feet in the air.

"That's not funny Eren!" He started laughing and playfully threw his arms at me. I chuckled at him.

Armin turned back to his computer and continued to look at wedding venues.

That night for dinner, we actually ate healthy. We had eaten a lot of junk food since we came back from Japan, so our acid reflexes were totally off balance. I realized this, because in the middle of dinner my fiancée placed a hand on his stomach and the other over his mouth for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

My fiancée started laughing, "acid reflexes, we haven't eaten anything healthy lately, so I guess it's unbalanced"

"Oh ok"

I was replaying images of Armin's hand over his stomach and thought about how adorable it would be to see him do that with a baby bump. Oh well.

We continued eating until we got a phone call from horseface.

"What do you want?"

"Marco's pregnant again"


"Oh um congrats"

We hung up and out my phone back onto the counter it had been laying on.

"Who was that?"


"Oh, what did he want?"

"Marco's pregnant again"


The rest of dinner was silent.

That night before we went to sleep, Armin was reading, and I was on my phone, until I realized that I needed to talk to Armin about having kids yet again, fortunately, he beat me to it.

"Eren how badly do you want pups?"


Armin put his book down

"How badly do you want pups?"

"Do you really want to know?"


"Ok. Armin I really want to have kids with you, I've wanted that ever since we were kids and you and I presented. I know that you don't want any, but I just want to raise something with you. When-when Jean called me about how Marco was pregnant for like the third time, I just kept imagining us being the ones to tell other people that we're having pups and-"

"I'm glad you said that"


"Look I've been thinking about it a lot, and maybe a year or two after we get married and everything in ours lives have kind of calmed down and we're financially stable. Maybe we could host some exchange students? That way we wouldn't have to worry about spending a ton of money, And we would only have to take care of them for a school year."

I suddenly started to see a blush forming on Armin's cheeks

"Plus I wouldn't have to go through pregnancies, or um birth or anything like that. I-I think it would be a lot less stressful hosting exchange students, ya know, plus we could learn about other cultures easier that way"

"Armin you're amazing"

I leaned over to embrace my boyfrie- I mean fiancée and kissed the top of his head.

Now both of us will truly be happy, I'll get to be somewhat of a father figure, and Armin can learn more about other cultures and countries. This will work out great.


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer I promise. Also sorry for accidentally publishing this chapter when it was unfinished a few days ago. Sorry for that inconvenience. Also comment feedback and ideas for future chapters! I really appreciate your comments.

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