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"E-Eren are you okay?"

Armin stood up from the table and walked over to me when I didn't answer.
Surprisingly he straddled himself down onto my lap.

"Do you want to go lay down?"


"This is your rut isn't it?"

"Yes "

"Lets go to our room then"

Me and Armin walked out of our kitchen into our bedroom. We laid down and Armin turned on the tv. We were spooning for a bit when I started to feel a hardness in my pants.

"H-hey Armin"

Apparently my boyfriend already knew what was going on

"Do you want a blowjob or a handjob?"

"Blowjob please"


I spent most of my rut with my cock down my boyfriends throat. Armin decided to not remove his reproductive organs because of the side effects, however suppressants were deemed legal again, so Armin sure was excited about that.
Life was going great. We adopted a cat and named a him Tiger.

One day we received a phone call from none other than my father.


"You knocked up your bitch yet? It's been months and you still haven't given me any exciting news"

"Dad I told you, we don't want kids."

"Are you sure, or does Armin just not want kids?"

I bit my lip.

"Y-yeah dad I'm serious this is something we both don't wan't. Goodbye"

Phone calls with my dad {even when they're short} are emotionally exhausting. I'm proposing to Armin soon, and I don't need anymore stress in my life. We're going on a trip to Japan, and we're leaving tonight. I figured I should propose there since it's a place that Armin has always wanted to go to.

We dropped Tiger off at Mikasa's house and drove to the airport. After going through security and all that stuff, we picked up some decent food from a restaurant in the airport and sat down near our terminal. It honestly was the most adorable thing ever to see Armin practically exploding with excitement, as he continuously pointed things out to me about Japan from a book he has bought a few weeks prior.

We decided to buy first class tickets because we just decided why the fuck not. When we sat down we were pleased at the quietness and calm atmosphere of first class.

We dozed off to sleep about a few hours into the flight. Armin woke me up by shaking my arm, he told that the captain had that they were beginning their descent into Tokyo.


We got to our hotel, put our stuff down, and decided to go walk around.

Tomorrow was the day, the day Armin either becomes apart of my family in a more connected way, or our relationship goes haywire.

The day went by too quickly, and sooner than later we were walking back to our hotel with bags of tourist merchandise.

Armin fell asleep in my arms that night, however I couldn't sleep.

What if he says no?

What if he breaks up with me?

What if I screw up our relationship and the practically life long friendship we've had?

Eventually I fell asleep listening to the blondes steady breathing.


The next day we both agreed that it would be good to just relax that day and walk around for a little bit if we got bored, were going to be in Tokyo for a few weeks and then go down to Hasetsu for a a few days, then fly back to Germany from there.

We decided to stay in our hotel most of the day, the only exception being our date that night.

We had decided to leave our room about an hour later and walked down the street to a nice restaurant we had found the day before.

We had sat down and ordered these tofu rice bowl things that were fucking amazing.

During dinner Armin brought up something that I kind of wish he didn't.

"So who called you a few days ago? You seemed really upset when you hung up."

His eyes filled with a bit of worry.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, my dad was just calling to be rude to us again. Honestly, he just needs to back off. Our lives aren't his and he needs to understand that I guess"

"I guess so. W-what was he bugging you about this time?"

"How he wants grandkids. Honestly he has no respect for you and I don't understand why.
He wasn't like that when we were growing up."

"Yeah and he was always really nice around me when we were younger, I don't understand why he's like this only now."

"M-maybe it was because ya know, m-my mom she.."

"I guess."

We were silent for a few moments before Armin started talking again.

"Were in Japan now! Let's be happy that we made it to the ocean and society rebuilt itself. I mean personally, I still can't believe that we have all of these government  and political systems, culture, and countries and ethnic groups set up in such a short amount of time that was only really mentioned about how unrealistic that is until now! But at least we're here!"

I started chuckling at my boyfriend, he really does have his way with words. I began to smile and laugh a bit.

"Yeah you're right. We're on vacation, we need to enjoy it."

We clinked our drink glasses together, got our check, and walked down to the nearby beach.

Okay, this is it.

I checked my jacket pocket to make sure that I had the ring. And I took a few deep breaths before holding my boyfriend-maybe future fiancées hand while we continued to walk down the sand. It's kind of surprising. I've killed titans without worry, yet I'm terrified of asking Armin to marry me.


Ooooh cliffhanger. Sorry that this chapter is longer than normal, also sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

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