Childhood (Part 2){WARNING: Kind of smut at the end of the chapter}

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Armin was at home washing the dishes like his mother had told him to.
His father was reading a newspaper, his mom was picking up dinner plates from the small table in their living room. Things were calm.
Armin liked things that way.
In his mind, all he wanted in the future was peace and quiet, maybe even by himself, by the ocean. After the whole incident at Erens' house a few years ago, the blonde was determined to prove that he wasn't going to be a stereotypical omega. He was going to go see the outside world, no matter what it took. He wasn't going to sit at home, pregnant while watching over even more kids running around like omegas were expected to do. He absolutely refused to live a future of bending over at some alphas demand. His grip on the plate he was supposed to be washing was tightening. Armin quickly finished scrubbing the last plate next to him before placing it in the sink and walking over to the small bookshelf near his bedroom. After grabbing the most informational novel he could find, He sat down in a chair conveniently next to him. He pulled his knees up to his chest and propped open the book to the first page.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the Arlerts' front door.

Armin closed his book and walked over to the door, there revealed Mrs. Jeager.

"Hi Armin is your mom home."

"Yeah she's over her" the blonde pointed Eren's mom towards the kitchen where his mother was putting plates away into a cabinet.

Mrs. Arlert suddenly turned her turned and smiled.


Armin walked out of his house while his mom talked to Eren's.
The blonde decided that he should just walk to Eren's.

After knocking on the door leading into the Jeager household, an excited looking Eren answered the door.

"So do you want to tell me why your smiling like that". Armin chuckled.


"Oh, that's cool"

"Yeah, I started feeling weird this morning and then all of a sudden I felt a lot of pressure near my thighs, and then all of a sudden I popped my first knot"

"Oh my god Eren I didn't need to know that"

"Oh ok"

We talked in Eren's room a bit before heading downstairs and getting some food.


By the time I had left Eren's house, it was around sunset and when I got back to my house, I went straight to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling sweaty and feverish.
Maybe I'm sick

I went downstairs to tell my mom that I wasn't feeling well. I wrapped a blanket around myself and tapped my mom on the shoulder.

"Mom, do we have medicine or something in not feeling well"

"Armin go upstairs" her tone was strict and direct


"You aren't sick, I'll call call doctor Jeager but until then, stay in your room"

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