Ich Leibe Dich

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I have a really important authors note at the end so PLEASE read it!!!

Japan was amazing, but sooner than later we had to head back to Germany. I had to get back to work, and Armin had a job interview.

The shift of time zones had been difficult once again, but we got used to our original time. Everything was going back to normal. Things always felt so weird and out of place when we we came back from vacation. However, it was a nice sort of weird. Everything was peaceful, and it was pretty great to be back home.

Everything was normal until one early afternoon, me and Armin were unpacking our suitcases when he had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

This had continued for a few days, so my fiancée went to the doctor. I went with him because I wanted to go with him because I didn't have anything else to do so...

When we got our doctors office we sat down.

"How long have you been throwing up for?"

"About 4 days"

"Is it during a certain time of the day?"

"N-no "

"Have you eaten anything strange in the last 3 days?"

"No "

"Are you sexually active?"

Armin's face deadpanned, and turned 50 shades of red.

"Y-yes "

"When was the last time you had sex?"

"A-about 2 weeks"

""Did you use protection?"

"I took birth control right before. We used a condom too, but um, it broke"

The doctor scribbled something down on his clipboard and stood up from the chair he was sitting in.

"We'll run some blood tests to make sure that your birth control wasn't defective. You're showing only about 2 symptoms of pregnancy, but we'll determine if it's something else"


Once the doctor left the room, I could tell hat Armin was extremely stressed out. He smelled really distressed and even on his face you could tell that he was panicked.

"E-Eren what if my birth control was defective. Oh my god I'm such an idiot to just assume that everything's alright. Why didn't I think about every single possibility when I started throwing up? I should've gotten my reproductive organs removed and-"

"Armin everything is going to be okay. The doctor said that you only had 2 symptoms of pregnancy. Plus your weren't in heat when we had sex, so you wouldn't of have been as fertile."


I embraced my fiancée and ran my finger through his hair as an attempt to calm him down. I also pecked a few kisses onto his scent gland, as another way to calm him down.

The doctor walked back into the room with a nurse to get blood samples from Armin, after they had a vile of his blood, they walked back out again to get it tested. However, before the doctor walked out of the door, he handed Armin a pregnancy test. A damn pregnancy test.

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