Chapter 15

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Melody Gibbs got out of her car and locked it behind her. She showed her badge to the police officer who was standing just behind the tape, managing the crowd. She ducked under it and walked over to Wu and Hank. "Where the hell is Burkhardt?!" Wu shrugged his shoulder and Hank said, "He's with Monroe and Rosalee." Melody rolled her eyes as they walked into the house, their crime scene.
Greg was kneeling next to the body, examing it with the coroner at his side. "What do we got guys?" Greg glanced behind him and smiled widely at the pretty brunette. Doctor Tully, the coroner, glanced between the two before he cleared his throat and spoke, "Your victim is Marcus Bletcher, Greg found his ID, he was shot execution style and judging by the amount of blood we have here that is what killed him."
"Thanks doc." Melody smiled at the elder man, "What did you find Greggo?"
Greg motioned for her to follow him to another room, which looked like a small study. "We found a lot of files here regarding Paul Wester."
"From Wester Incorporated?"
"Yeah him. I will have my guys take these files back to the lab for analysis."
"Call me when you got them there, because I have to take a look at them as well."
"Will do, Mel." He grinned at her, "Now if you will excuse me, I have CSI's to boss around." He walked out of the room and Melody decided she would start with reading one of the files.
"Mel huh?" Hank Griffin stood in the doorway, smiling at a certain detective. Even though Melody was still mad with him and wanted to ignore him she couldn't stop the blush that was forming on her cheeks. "Oh shut up."
"What do you got there?"
"Files the victim had on Paul Wester."
"From Wester Incorporated." Melody nod and put the file down. "We should go and have a look at his bank and phone records and wait until the CSI's are done." Hank nodded and they walked out of their house and back to their separate cars.


Nick Burkhardt was in a small spice shop, owned by one of his dear friends.
"-he gave me a month or he will have her transferred to Boston. He thinks she'll be happier there."
"I think he is right, Nick." Monroe said, "I mean she is kind of a scary person, but she deserves a place where she can properly do her job."
Nick sighed, "I trust her. I really do, I just have no clue how she will react to.. you know."
"-you being a Grimm." Monroe finished his sentence for him.
"Do you trust her?" Rosalee suddenly said, "Where did that come from."
"2 cases ago she told me her big secret... I know I can trust her now, but just not with that."
Monroe and Rosalee glanced at each other, both of them shocked that he learned to trust her so quickly.
Monroe said, "I still think she should be transferred, for her own good."
Nick nodded, he wanted to keep her safe, but he also didn't want her to leave.
"I-I'll think about it." Nick glanced at his phone, "Oh I have several missed calls from Hank, Wu and Melody. I should go."


Hank was sitting next to Melody at her desk. "He tried to call Paul Wester a lot, but he never picked up." Hank spoke, "Until last night.." Melody nodded, "Yeah I wonder what they talked about."
Melody's desk phone went of and she picked it up.
"Hello Doctor Tully-" she grabbed her notebook and a pen, "Oh really- Okay- Yes- thank you- Bye doc."
"What did the doctor say?"
"Our victim died around 11pm last night and he confirmed that the gun shot wound to the head is what killed him."
"3 hours after the phone call."

"Hey guys, what do we got." Melody glared at the detective whom had showed up late to work. "Hank and I got a male victim whom was executed possibly by someone hired by Paul Wester."
"Hired?" Hank asked.
"Yeah those CEO's don't like getting their hands dirty."
"But it still could've been someone else that killed him."

"I may not be a detective, but I also think it was Paul Wester." The 3 detectives turned to look at the brown haired CSI. He was carrying a box which he set down on Melody's desk. He opened it and grabbed one of the files, "Take a look at this."
"Bank records?" Nick asked.
"The victim, Marcus Bletcher, was one of the accountants for Wester's buisness."
"Check this out," Hank said, "Marcus had a girlfriend who was killed the same way about a month ago.. The case is still open and get this, she also worked at Wester's incorporated."
Melody pushed Hank aside and sat down in her chair, "Wester is holding a fundraiser at his home tomorrow night."
"So?" Nick asked.
"So let's go undercover."


"You know all the evidence you collect there can't be used in a case because you didn't have a warrant."
"We will just have a look around, Captain, then we will present our evidence to a judge and we will get a warrant. We should know who we're dealing with first."
"Do you agree with this, Detectives?" Hank and Nick both nodded.
"Very well then, but you will need fake ID's"
"I will get them for us, but Captain we might need your help with this."
"How so?"
"We are going to need a distraction and whom better to do that than the Captain."
"Let's get to work then."
"I will have to make some calls first."

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