Chapter 5

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Another chapter bc I haven't updated for long. I think I am going to update this story a lot during summer.

Nick Burkhardt's POV

I don't really hate Melody, if that is what you think. I don't like the fact she is part of our team. It is not like she is a bad Detective or person, I just don't want to have to tell her about the whole 'Grimm' thing.

So pretending not to like her is the only option. And sometimes it isn't even difficult to do so, she can be REALLY annoying, but I guess she thinks she same way about me.

Anyways, Hank and I arrived back at the precinct and got out of the car. ''So you think that this Wesen is going to kill again tomorrow and he will disappear after that?''

''That is what the book says.'' Hank, Monroe and I had been up all night trying to find the Wesen that did this murder.

The name it is so difficult that I can't even pronounce it. But the book said that this Wesen knows all the victim's and hates them for some reason. So Hank and I are going to see if the victim's know each other and what they have done to make someone hate them so much.

We sat down at our desks and logged into our computers, as I looked at the one that was across from mine, Melody's, I saw many files lying on her desk, it seems she has indeed been doing a lot.

Paperwork and investigating.

I shared a look with Hank and he spoke, ''She is a damn good multi-tasker.'' I nod slowly in agreement. On the left side of her desk were like 4 files left and on the right side about 9. I know she is left handed, but that she can also write with her right hand. She told us that is was very usefull if you had to go undercover.

But cops don't go undercover very often..

Maybe it has something to do with her secret.

I looked back at the computer in front of me. ''I will do the financials of both victim's to see if they have crossed paths anywhere.'' I told Hank and he nod. ''I will do the phone records.'' And we both started to work.

We were silent for about 10 minutes until Hank spoke,

''Isn't Melody suppose to be back yet?''

I just shrugged and glanced at him, ''Maybe she stayed with Wu on the crimescene.''

But I was wrong, very wrong.


Melody's POV

''Rosalee!'' I called out as I walked into the shop. She walked into my view and looked surprised that I was here. ''Hey, Melody wasn't it?'' I nod and she continued, ''What are you doing here? Do you need anything.'' She stood behind the counter and I put my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket and walked closer. ''I just want to ask you a few things,'' I paused, ''About Burkhar- I mean Nick.''

''Okay...'' She seemed to get a little nervous for some reason and I pulled my hands out of my pockets and leaned onto the counter. ''What is his problem?'' She looked confused. ''I am sorry. I asked that the wrong way. Let me ask you again. Why is Nick so mysterious?''

''Uh.'' She was getting even more nervous as she continued, ''I-I am sure it is nothing. Maybe he h-has to get used to you being on the team, that he doesn't know if he can trust you.''

''There is something you are not telling me Rosalee.'' She opened her mouth to speak, but Monroe suddenly walked in, ''Rosalee someone is asking for you on the phone.. In the back.'' Rosalee nod quickly and followed Monroe into the back of the shop.

So much for a talk.


Nick's Pov

After a couple more minutes my phone went of and not even bothering to check the call ID, I picked up. ''Burkhardt.'' I spoke. ''Nick, Nick, o my god.'' It was Monroe, ''The new girl at your team, that Melody the girl, was just here.''

''What?!'' I stopped working and put my pen down. ''What did you just say?''

''I heard her ask Rosalee what your problem is and why you are so mysterious. She noticed that Rosalee was lying so I came in to rescue her and I could also see that Melody knew I was lying.''

Why does Melody have to go around and ask questions?

I can't let her find out, I have to know her a little better first and maybe even then I won't tell her.

"Thank you for telling me this." And with that I hung up and tossed my phone back onto the desk. "What's wrong?" Hank asked and I told him what Monroe just told me.


Melody's POV

I walked up to my desk at the precinct with one of my earphones in and I was listening to 'Back In Black' by AC/DC. ''Hello boys, what did y-'' I stopped talking when I saw that Burkhardt had turned his chair and stood up looking.. pist. "What's wrong?" I asked him, slightly confused. "We are going to talk." His voice was cold as he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I glanced back at Hank who was avoiding eye contract.

I kept on my poker face as I used my free hand to put my earphone back in it's place, because it was falling out and I was still being dragged around my Burkhardt. "Why are you-" He threw a glare at me from over his shoulder which made me shut up.

He stopped in front of a door that said 'Evidence' and he opened the door and walked in. He slammed the door close behind me which made me jump a little. He let go of me for a second and wrote his name down on the clipbord. He threw it back on the table once he was done with it and grabbed my arm again. He pulled me all the way to the back of the evidence locker. He grabbed me by my waist and pressed me against the wall. He put his hands on either side of my face, making me a little nervous.

Because, you know, the tension.

Burkhardt started to speak. Slowly. ''Why are you asking question's about me?''

''Oh, that is why I am here.'' I raised a brow at him, but that only seemed to make him even more angry. He ripped my earphone out of my ear and out of my phone and threw them away. ''HEY-'' I started, but he didn't let me finish. ''No, you listen to me. I have my secret, because they are secrets and you are not going to find out about them because I don't trust you. If I would want you to know I would tell you myself. So leave Rosalee and Monroe alone. If I ever find out you are asking questions about me then-''

''Then what? You are going to get me fired? Bitch please.'' I chuckled, ''Look, I just want to know why it seems that I can trust Hank more than I can trust you. If you have a weird disease or something you can tell me, but trust me when I tell you that I'm not going to be here for long. No wait, you would like that wouldn't you?'' He didn't say anything he just glared at me. ''That's what I thought. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do.'' I ducked underneath his arm and walked out of the 'Evidence' room.

I wasn't angry with Burkhardt, just annoyed.

Okay, I have a secret, a big one too.

Hank looked at me weirdly as if he expected me to be crying or something. I sat down at my desk and about 2 minutes Burkhardt returned. He glared at me and sended a small nod towards Hank. We started to work in silence and after a while I glanced at Burkhardt who was still looking pist, but also a little hurt.

Mm, maybe we could find it in our hearts to trust each other someday.


What I didn't know was that the car that Hank and Burkhardt were with was Burkhardt's car, because Hank's car was broken. When I went to get another coffee Hank asked me if I could drive him home, because Burkhardt had to do something personal. I told him that it was okay and now here we are in my beautiful '67 Chevy Impala driving towards Hank's house.

Soon enough we arrived and Hank turned to me. ''I would buy a second car for work, you wouldn't want this one to get damaged because of work.''

''I know, I am saving for it.'' I was silent for a couple of seconds. ''Hank, why does Burkhardt hate me?''

He sighed. ''Nick doesn't hate you. He only thinks you are annoying from time to time.'' He paused, ''You want to know his secret, well trust me, it took a really long time before he told me. I know that someday he will trust you enough to tell you, just give it time. Be patient and don't go around asking questions again, you never gain his trust that way.'' I nod slowly, ''Thanks Hank.'' We shared a smile and he got out of my car.

I waited until he was inside before turning on my car again and I started to drive back home.

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