C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n

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Song>>> "Paradise Circus" By Massive Attack 

C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n >

The hot broth slips past her lips and slides down her ravanged throat. Her dark blue eyes watch his face carefully, hoping to find some key to figuring out his thoughts. She doesn't understand why he hasn't said anything about...the way he found her. She can't find it in herself to bring it up either. What could she possibly say to explain it or at the very least, make him feel at ease? Nothing, she figures after another few minutes of concideration, there's nothing she can say.

"Is it too hot?"

Poppy blinks rapidly and licks absently at her warm lips, "No. No, it's fine."

"I wasn't sure what kind you liked but I figured tomato is a general favorite."

"It's good..." She says with a weak smile, "Thank you."

He nods slightly before going back to stairing at his pant legs in thought. She wonders what Nick could be thinking about and tries to open their bond in hopes of figuring it out but to no avail. She can tell he's thinking hard about something but it's too foggy to make out. Her wolf makes a noise similar to disapproval in her head and she glares at the beast in her mind. If it wasn't for her thoughtlessness they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

"Does your back hurt?"

"My....Oh, that...um, yes but I figure that'll take a while to heal."

"They are deep wounds," He agrees slowly, "Only a few days old if I had to guess."

"Yes, usually i'd be healed by now but--" Poppy cuts herself off and clears her throat before looking down at the bowl in her lap, "But, it's only been a few days. I can get impatient."

He makes a sound at the back of his throat but says nothing more.

Poppy squirms in her seat a little and absently plays with the spoon handle. She wishes she could at least think of something to say! Something that wouldn't make her sound insane or ungrateful but she's at a complete loss. No ideas are formulating and with this horrible silence stretching on and on, she needs one fast. Hell, she'll even take him bringing it up. Even if it hurts her feelings, she'll take it. Anything to get this over with so they can move on already!

"We should probably change your bandages in a bit."

Poppy agrees quickly, "Yes, maybe even a proper shower."

"Can you stand up long enough for that?"

"Probably not," She admits, "Bath then?"

"I don't have one."


Silence again. Painful, dragging silence.



They both stop and stare at each other. He breaks it first but she dips her head, hoping to catch his eye again. He clears his throat and meets her gaze again. For a moment she's overwhelmed by how attractive he is. The clear dusky skin and the jet black strands of hair framing his apprehensive dark eyes...it's torture. She want's to touch him. Her hands begin to shake and she grips the bowl tightly as a way to stop it. This isn't the time for this. Not now. Not when they may be having a breakthrough.

"Are you cold?"

Poppy doesn't register his question at first but when she does she shakes her head, "No. Why?"

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