Chapter 3. (nsfw)

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As time wore on, the DA meetings became riskier and riskier. Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad roved the school, looking for people who violated her impossible-to-follow Educational Decrees. Plus, she was hell-bent on finding the DA in the act, which only added to my stress and anxiety. To top it off, all of Umbridge's measures made mine and Draco's little meetings more dangerous, especially after she established a new curfew. We kept seeing each like this despite the struggles, stealing moments in between empty shelves and deserted broom cupboards, but it was always either by chance or planned. 

As the weeks passed, I became more and more anxious for Draco to test out the necklace for real. I didn't have to wait much longer, though. After another DA meeting, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were sat in the nearly empty Common Room. Hermione was reading and pointedly ignoring Ron's pleas for help, and the rest of us were scribbling down our Potions essays.

I threw my quill down triumphantly, smiling at my work. "Done!"

Harry and Ron stared at me incredulously. "How are you already done?" Ron said, staring at my pile of parchment. "It's easy!" I said, moving over to Ron's side of the table. "Look, all you have to do is explain the methods used in medieval potion making, and how they're still used today," I stated, eyeing Ron's essay. "Ron, did you even listen in class today?" Ron sighed, thunking his head down onto the table. I patted him on the back reassuringly. "You can do it, Ron. You're very smart." He smiled weakly at me. "Thanks, Isa." I nodded, then went over to join Hermione on the couch.

"You're still mad at him?" I said in a quiet voice.

Hermione sighed, but never looked up from her book. "No, of course not. But I'm not going to give that git the satisfaction of me giving in to him."

"Mione, you two are best friends." I said simply. "You can't stay mad at each other forever."

I felt the tiny star on my necklace grow warmer, and my eyes widened; he wanted to meet now? Even with the new curfews in place? "Oh bloody hell, I left my book in the library! I'll be right back, you guys." I said, hurrying through the portrait hole and ignoring their confused shouts.

The quiet was almost numbing. It pressed in on me from all sides, nearly suffocating me. As I passed a corridor, a pair of strong hands grabbed my waist and yanked me out of the main hallway. The person covered my mouth, muffling my shriek, and whispered in my ear. "Out after hours, Potter? I might have to report you."

I smiled at the words and placed my hand over the one that my attacker had gripping my hip. "You don't want to do that. Turn over a sweet thing like me to that evil witch, Umbridge?" My attacker chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Never. She will never touch you as long as I'm here." I turned around and looked up into Draco's eyes. The hand that he had on my cheek moved to the back of my neck, cradling my head gently. He pressed his lips to mine softly, but urgently. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting his kiss melt me.

"We don't have a lot of time." Draco said when we broke apart. I looked down at his Inquisitorial Squad badge, its glinting surface almost mocking me. "We never have enough time," I said quietly. Draco wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. "I want you to come and see me this summer." He said firmly. I looked up at him, my eyes wide. "Are you serious? What about your family?" I said in a nervous voice. Draco shook his head, smiling at me. "I don't care. All I care about is you, Isa. I love you." 

I grinned and kissed him enthusiastically, making us fall back against the wall. Draco clutched me to him, nipping at my bottom lip. I tugged on his hair, and he growled dangerously. "Isa..." He said, kissing and biting my neck. I groaned and he turned us around, picking me up and pinning me between him and the wall. I gasped when I felt him pressing into my core. Draco groaned and began grinding into me, making me moan and claw at the front of his robes. "Draco..." I whined, throwing my head back against the wall. Draco tore my shirt open, nipping and kissing my newly exposed skin.

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