Chapter 2.

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This wasn't the worst pain I'd ever endured. I'd felt Harry's pain whenever Voldemort was near or touched him. I'd screamed and fought against Neville and Ron when I had to watch as Sirius was killed and fell through the Veil. I'd even broken my arm once when I fell from a toy broomstick as a child. But on the list of painful times in my life, having Draco break my heart sat pretty high on it.

Harry could tell that something was up, but I assured him that I was completely fine - that I was just having a hard time dealing with Sirius' death and with Snape. I went out of my way to avoid Draco for the first few weeks of school, mostly out of fear that I might burst into tears at the sight of him. After that, I simply learned to ignore him when we were in the same room, and the hurt faded into anger. I had given him everything. He knew every little thing about me, knew every scar and curve on my body, whispered secrets in the dead of night. All of these things I gave to him I considered precious, yet he threw me away like I was a piece of rubbish he stepped on.

For some reason, this seemed to be the year that boys began to see girls as something other than an annoyance. I got multiple offers for Hogsmeade trips and study dates all within the first two months of school, but I rejected them all. Even though Draco had broken my heart, I didn't want to go on a date with someone that wasn't him. One boy though was relentless in his pursuit of me - the Gryffindor pretty boy Cormac McLaggen.

"C'mon, Isabelle, it'll be fun. Just the two of us, a few drinks at the Three Broomsticks, maybe a little walk around the lake?" I rolled my eyes as Cormac trailed beside me on the way to Herbology. I saw Draco sitting on a ledge outside as we exited the castle, and I stopped for a moment, pausing as a terrible idea crossed my mind.

"Cormac, do you really want to take me out?" I asked, twirling a piece of hair around my finger flirtily. Cormac grinned, moving forward a little. "I really, really do, Isa." I could see Draco's expression change from passive to pissed when Cormac used my nickname, and it annoyed me. How dare he get angry at other men giving me attention when he was the one who cast me aside?

"Fine, then. I'm free Saturday, let's take a trip to Hogsmeade." I turned on my heel and made my way down to the greenhouses, biting my lip. I had half expected, or maybe half hoped, that Draco would have stepped in and done something when he saw Cormac asking me out in front of him. But he had just sat there, watching and fuming. I guess he really didn't give a damn.


"Hold still!" Rosie said firmly, shoving me back down into the chair by my shoulders. "You'd be fidgeting too if you were going on a date with a total prat!" I said miserably. "Isabelle, in the three years I've known you, I have never seen you go on a date. And no, going to the Yule Ball with Neville Longbottom doesn't count. That was a friend thing. You need a real date." Rosie said as the braided my hair away from my face.

Looking in the mirror, I had to admit that if I was actually excited about this date I would have been pleased with my appearance. Rosie had picked out my outfit, done my makeup, and was braiding my hair back into a long, sleek plait. But, I couldn't care less. I was only going on this date to piss off Draco, and it had completely backfired.

"There, you're perfect," Rosie said, stepping back to admire her work. I glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed, getting up. "Cormac's probably waiting for me," I said, getting up and grabbing my coat and bag. "Isabelle, why are you so upset about this? I know Cormac doesn't have the best personality in the world, but I've never seen a girl be so unenthusiastic about going on a date." Rosie commented and I smiled sadly, feeling my chest become tight. "He isn't the one I want to go on a date with."

I gave her a quick hug and exited the dormitory before she could question me, walking down the stairs to see Cormac sitting by the fireplace. He stood up when he saw me, giving me something that looked like a mixture of a smile and a smirk, probably meant to be charming but it came off as absolutely creepy. "Ah, ready then?" He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing my cheek. I was surprised at his forwardness but just nodded, walking through the portrait hole with him and down towards the castle entrance.

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