Chapter 4.

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"You're looking lovely today, Isabelle."

I rolled my eyes, eating a little more of my oatmeal in silence. "Come on Isabelle, you can't ignore me forever," Michael said, sitting next to me. "Shouldn't you be at the Ravenclaw table? They are your host house after all." I said sharply. "Last time I checked, this tournament was about inter-school and inter-house unity. So let's...unify." Michael said, and I didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking. I let out a groan, setting down my spoon and lifting my gaze up, and I felt my blood run cold when I saw Draco staring at Michael and me with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Michael, look, we can't date. We just can't. I know you like me-" "And you obviously like me so what is holding you back?" Michael interrupted, clearly getting frustrated. "Because..." I said, hesitating. His gaze held mine, and I felt my heart start to beat a little faster. "Stop that." I thought to myself, trying to find a reason why Michael and I shouldn't date since I obviously couldn't reveal my relationship with Draco. I looked towards the doors, and nearly jumped for joy when I saw Rosie and Ellie walking in.

"Because my friend likes you, and I don't want to hurt her by going after you when I know how she feels about you." Michael followed my gaze, and he raised his eyebrows. "Which one of them likes me?" He said, and I sighed internally - it was working. "The blonde girl in the Gryffindor uniform. Her name is Rosamund but we call her Rosie. She's a total sweetheart, and really smart. Just talk to her, I know you'll like her." I said, smiling at Michael and hoping I sounded convincing. 

Michael hesitated for a second before nodding, getting up and meeting Rosie halfway from where I sat. She looked totally shocked for a split second, but I saw her turn on her trademark flirt almost immediately. I glanced over at the Slytherin table and smiled when I saw Draco looking at me, his gaze softer than before. I winked at him before turning to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione walking into the hall, all of them looking worried.

"What happened to you guys? You look like you've been stunned." I teased gently but I became concerned when I didn't get even a chuckle out of them. "Okay, you're scaring me, what's going on?" I asked, and Harry was the first to speak. "Crouch is out of the competition. He won't be judging the Third Task anymore." I raised my eyebrows, confused about why this was important news.

Truthfully, after watching my brother and two of my best friends nearly drown in the Second Task, I wasn't too keen on this damn tournament anymore. I was tired of having to watch Harry nearly die, but according to Ron and Hermione, near-death experiences were the norm for Harry. "Why isn't he judging? Did he try to rig the competition or something?" Harry shook his head, and Hermione spoke up. "He stunned Krum." I whipped my head around to look at her, shocked. "He WHAT? Why?" Harry shrugged, shaking his head. "No one knows. They think he just snapped. Came out of the Forbidden Forest looking completely dazed, so I went to get Dumbledore to help him. When I came back Crouch had stunned Krum and left."

I stared at Harry in disbelief, almost unable to believe it. "Has Krum come to? Does he remember anything before Crouch attacked him?" Harry shook his head again, and I bit my lip, taking his hand in mine. "Please, Harry, watch your back from now on. This tournament is dangerous enough without having people trying to take you down outside of the challenges." Harry nodded, giving me a small side hug. "I've lived through the past three years here, I don't plan on biting it yet." He said jokingly, and I tried to relax, but I was still on edge. I had a bad feeling about the Third Task...


The Third and Final Task had started without a hitch, with all four champions charging into the maze in search of the Triwizard Cup. But things had gone downhill quickly, and the champions had started dropping like flies. And there was no indication that anyone had found the cup yet, much less my brother.

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