Chapter 1.

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The Burrow.

I had never gotten to see it before this summer, but I had heard endless stories about the infamous Weasley home. How it was falling apart in every possible way but still felt like the safest place on Earth. How you could be surrounded by people every moment you were there with no chance of peace and quiet, but you loved every second of it.

Except for now.

The air was heavy in the usually cheery home as we got our things together for school, still processing the events that had taken place at the Quidditch World Cup. The bodies, the screaming, the fires, and the giant skull and snake that someone had emblazoned in the night sky - a symbol I later learned was the Dark Mark. The symbol of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. "Are you okay?" I heard someone say from the doorway of Ginny's room and I jumped a little, turning to see Harry looking apologetic. I nodded, leaning against the dresser, looking at my half-packed trunk. "Yeah, for the most part. I just keep hearing the screams in my head." I said, twisting my fingers together nervously. Harry walked forward and hugged me gently, rubbing my back. "It's over. You don't have to think about it anymore. Let's just make this year a good one, yeah?" He said encouragingly, and I smiled. "Yeah, you're right. This year will be great."

I had no idea how wrong I was.


"Harry, wait up!" I laughed, running after my brother and giving him a one-armed hug as we hurried into the Great Hall. Tonight was the selection of the champions for the tournament, and the entire hall was buzzing. We took our seats quickly, eager to see who would be representing Hogwarts this time around. A tiny blonde pixie of a girl, Fleur Delacour, was named as the Beauxbatons champion, and the Bulgarian Quidditch hero Viktor Krum was chosen as the Durmstrang champion. Everyone waited with bated breath as the Goblet spat out the name of the Hogwarts' champion. Dumbledore caught the scrap of paper in the air and paused for a second before shouting into the cavernous room.


The Hufflepuff table burst into applause as Cedric made his way up to Dumbledore. Cedric and Dumbledore shook hands and Dumbledore clapped him hard on the shoulder before ushering him into a side hall. Dumbledore stepped forward and started to give his closing remarks, but fell silent when the Goblet began to start and sputter. The entire hall watched in confusion as it sparked bright red fire before spitting out another piece of parchment - another champion. Dumbledore grabbed it and read it carefully, before saying in disbelief, "Harry Potter." I gasped and looked at Harry, who was staring at Dumbledore.

"HARRY POTTER!!!" Dumbledore roared, and Hermione pushed Harry to get up. "No way," Ron said, and I could hear the slightest trace of bitterness in his voice. I glanced at him and was shocked to see him staring at Harry with eyes full of anger. "Ron..." I said, reaching out to touch his arm but he got up quickly, joining the students who were beginning to exit the hall. Everywhere I looked, students were glancing over at me, whispering. I sighed, getting up and following the crowd, covertly stepping in time beside a certain blonde. "Hi, stranger." I murmured. Draco's hand slipped into mine and we quickly turned down an empty corridor, hiding in the shadows.

"Did you know that was going to happen?" Draco said, his voice hard. I stared at him, a little taken aback. "No, of course not. I don't know how Harry even got his name in the Goblet - if he put it in there at all." Draco leaned back against the stone wall, shaking his head. "I've heard stories from my father about the tournament challenges. It's common for students to be maimed or killed in pursuit of the Triwizard Cup, which is why they only let the oldest students take part in it." I felt the color drain from my face as the reality of Harry's situation began to hit me. Draco saw this and quickly pulled me against him, his arms tight around me. "Just don't think about it, love. I'm sure Dumbledore will pull him out of the tournament. Diggory is the actual champion, anyway." I nodded absentmindedly, holding onto the front of his robes.

It was hard to concentrate on what Draco was saying to me when he was holding me like this. Last year, he had had me in his arms just like this, dozens of times, but it had never made me feel like this. Warm and excited, like my skin was tingling wherever he set his hands. Strangely enough, I wanted his hands all over me, and the mere thought of it had my cheeks flushing deep pink. "Isabelle?" Draco said, snapping me out of my own thoughts. The way he said my name sparked something inside of me, and I bit my lip, the urge to have his lips on mine slowly overwhelming me. "Kiss me," I whispered, and Draco grinned, all too happy to oblige. Merlin, even his kisses felt different. Like all the air was being stolen from my lungs, but I never wanted him to stop. It burned in the best way possible. His lips moved fervently against mine and the world around us blurred for a moment.

We were both a little breathless when we broke apart, and I stared at him, pleased to see that he was just as flustered and flushed as I felt. "Merlin...that was" "Wow." I finished for him, smiling shyly. "There's a Hogsmeade weekend coming up soon, fancy a walk down by the forest?" Draco asked, tracing small circles into my hips. I nodded, leaning up to kiss him softly, fighting back a smile. "I need to get to the Tower, gotta find Harry. I'll see you in class, Draco." I murmured, kissing his cheek before hurrying off towards Gryffindor Tower.


"DRAGONS!?" I said, wincing when Harry shushed me harshly.

We were standing in the library, hidden between the shelves as we discussed the upcoming first challenge of the Triwizard Tournament. "The first challenge is dragons? Are you kidding me?" I said in disbelief, my eyes widening when Harry shook his head. "I saw them with my own eyes. Hagrid showed me. There's one for each of us. Apparently, they had to improvise after the Goblet spat out my name as well as the other three. I still don't have a strategy for how to take on this challenge." Harry said, and I grabbed his hand, squeezing reassuringly. "We can figure this out, don't worry," I said, picking up the books I was checking out and heading with Harry towards the exit.

I was rummaging around in my bag for something, half listening to Harry, when I collided with something very solid and very warm. My books tumbled out of my arms and I cursed quietly, dropping to the ground to pick them up. The person I crashed into knelt down as well, mumbling apologies in an odd accent. I looked up to see who I had run into, and my heart stopped. Dark blue eyes fringed by sandy brown hair, and a sprinkling of freckles - a face I knew all too well. "Isabelle?" The boy said with an American accent, a Southern one. "Michael?" I whispered, almost unable to believe it.

We stood up, and I was shocked to see that he was nearly a head and a half taller than me. The scrawny little boy I had secretly crushed on for two years at Ilvermorny was standing in front of me, more handsome than ever, and he was staring at me like I was made of gold. "Isabelle, who's this?" Harry said in an even voice, but I could tell that he was suspicious and annoyed. "Harry, this is Michael. We went to Ilvermorny together. W-Why are you here, exactly?" I said, looking up at him and trying to fight back that old fluttery feeling. "A little group of us are staying here as exchange students this year. It'll be nice having a familiar face around here." He said, handing me my book and smiling. "It was nice meeting you, Harry. I'll see you around, Isabelle." He said, winking at me and turning towards the exit.

I nodded silently, staring after him as he left. The boy that I had practically lusted after for two whole years shows up right when I get into a happy, exclusive relationship - this year just became even more complicated than I thought.

(A/N: And here we are! Welcome to the Goblet of Fire, y'all! This is my second favorite book in the series since it's so action packed! I can't wait to put my own little spin on it. All that being said, thank you SO much for reading, my lovelies! I hope you absolutely loved this chapter, and I have a little surprise for you. I have some extended free time for a while, so I'll be updating twice a week now! This story will be updated on Mondays and Thursdays, and my Harry Styles fic Like The Fairytales will be updated on Sundays and Wednesdays! Please add OLS to your reading list/library so you can get updated every time I post a chapter! Feel free to leave feedback/votes! Love y'all!)

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