EINH chapter 16*

Começar do início

We hung up, and I put all the things for my salad back in the refrigerator. I went to the bathroom to straighten up my hair a bit and fix my makeup. Whenever I took a nap I always seemed so disheveled afterwards.

As I headed out, I stopped by the boxes and got my mail out. I sorted through it all as I headed to my car. There was a letter from my grandparents in Boston and a few from the colleges I wanted to attend next year. There was also one from Preston in there that I figured I could open later. All of these letters I could open later today or tomorrow.

I set my mail in the passenger seat of my car when I got in and drove to my parents' house, which was only a few minutes away. When I got there, I could tell that more people were there than just my parents and possibly Chelsea. It was just a vibe that the house was giving off when I looked at it.

 When I stepped out of the car I hear voices from inside the house. Apparently some of the windows were open, since I didn't know anyone that talked loud enough to penetrate through walls. I figured maybe the Lyndes were here, which would explain why I felt like there were more people in my house than normal.

I walked up the driveway and up the pathway to the front door. I didn't even bother knocking since this was still technically my home. I had lived in this house since I was four and there was no way this was ever not going to be my house. It was home and comfortable and the place I was most accepted and where I belonged. Not even Boston was home anymore. It hadn't been since I had met Preston fourteen years ago.

My assumptions were right when I saw that the Lyndes and my parents and sister were sitting the family room, laughing and talking. Even Kane and Meagan were here with little Cynthia. I felt like I hadn't seen those three in forever. Actually, I hadn't seen them since Christmas. Man, time flies when you're busy with jobs, babies and school. It had been three months since I had seen them.

"Hey, guys," I greeted happily, setting my purse down on a nearby chair and shrugging my jacket off. My mom and Lily stood up to hug me and told me to sit down.

"Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes," Mom said, sitting back down next to Dad.

He smiled at me and said, "How've you been, baby girl?"

I smiled back. "I've been good. Busy with school and work."

"I thought you took your leave from Houston's?" David asked.

"I did," I nodded, "but I still babysit. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, though. I have a feeling she's going to tell me I need to stop that, too. It's getting closer to my due date, so she's been slowly cutting me off." I sighed, thinking about all the stuff I wasn't allowed to do. "I can't even drink coffee anymore! Regular or decaf." Yes, that was one of the things I was most upset about. Don't judge me.

"Will you be needing me to fill in for you soon, then?" Andrea wondered. I had already asked her if she was willing to be my replacement for Jason and Lizzy. She had readily accepted without me even having to explain the job to her.

I nodded. "Yeah, probably within the next couple of days."

She smiled widely. "Okay."

The rest of the time at my parents' house was spent talking about everything that had happened lately. I was able to forget that I was pregnant with my best friend's children, that I was seeing a guy that wasn't my best friend, that I missed my best friend terribly, and that I had the weight of the world on my shoulders for a few minutes. It was nice to feel like the old O'Reilly, again, surrounded by my family that loved me desptie my flaws and downfalls


Dear O'Reilly,

I'm sorry, but I was just informed that we won't be released when we were origianlly told. I might be here for several more days, weeks, months, I have no idea. They haven't said when we're being released, but all we know is that it won't be until after our original date.

This really sucks. I was looking forward to coming home later this month and seeing you and the rest of my family. I miss you guys so much, it hurts. I haven't really spoken to anyone in a while. They've cut back our free time over here, and I haven't had much time to do anything but write you letters. I'm just glad I have enough time to do this.

So, that's all I really had to say. As soon as I find out when we're being released I'll write you. I can't believe they extended this. Oh well, not much I can do about it.

I miss you so much, Riles. I can't wait to see you when I finally get back. I love you. I'll see you sooner rather than later, hopefully.

Love always,


I sighed, rereading Preston's most recent letter. I put the paper down in my lap and laid back in my bed. This sucked.

I had just gotten back from my doctor's appointment. I had guessed right and she had told me that I wasn't allowed to babysit anymore. So, Andie was filling in for me from now on starting Tuesday. This was the weekend I usually had off, so she didn't need to work today.

I had nothing to occupy my time anymore. I used to have my job at Houston's Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every other weekend and then I had babysitting on Tuesdays and Thursdays and every other weekend. I still had school work to get done, but between having no job and no social life, I had already gotten all my assignments done. I had no idea what to do with myself.

I sighed and brushed the letter off my legs before rolling over onto my side. I guess I was kind of tired. It wasn't like I had done much today, but I was always exhausted anyway. I closed my eyes, and when I spent twenty minues trying to fall asleep to no avail, I rolled back over and sat up. I grabbed my iPod from the foot of my bed and plugged it into the dock I had on my nightstand. I pushed play and laid back down.

The first song that rang queitly through the speakers was Alone in This Bed by Framing Hanley. Just listening to the first few lines of lyrics made me break down into tears. I cried myself to sleep before the song even ended.


So sorry this took me so long! I just haven't been motivated to do much since summer started -_- But, I'm back into it now :) Expect another update soon, like, tomorrow or the next day type of soon.

I love each and every one of you, I hope you all know that. And I love when I see that you're loving my stories. So please leave a comment or become a fan or vote for this chapter. Thanks guys!


Everything I've Never Had (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora