“Well, if I were you I would get stocked up on diapers now. Also, have you bought any clothing?”

“No, we need to though.”

“What gender?”

“We don’t know, do you have anything not gender specific?” She smiled and led us to the middle of the store. A whole section was filled with non-gender specific baby clothes. We both nodded her thanks and went upon choosing a few outfits and such. We got a bunch of diapers to start and wipes.  I knew I would be breastfeeding for a while but we bought some canned baby food. We finally finished after an hour and went home bringing all of the baby things up to the room and setting them where they should be.

“I can’t believe this is true. I really can’t believe we are having a baby.” Nick said.

“Me either.” My eyes roamed the room.

“It just doesn’t seem real.”

“I know…hey Nick?”


“Do you know how much I love you?”

“Do you know how much I love you, because I really do?” He kissed me.

We spent the rest of the day in our room just being with each other. We even ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms. I was so happy.


            “Good morning.”


            “How are you this lovely morning?”

            “Tired.” I laughed.

            “Like always.” He joked back.

            “Well I am sleeping for 2 on a 1 person schedule.” I laughed again.

            “Well I am very sorry to hear that. I am also sorrier to say we have to get ready for school.” I sighed.

            We both took showers and got dressed and headed off for school. I sat in Chemistry for about five minutes and the phone rang for me to go to the guidance office. I nodded and did so, this better be important because it takes a lot of effort for me to walk all the way over there.

            “Mr. Medina you wanted to see me?” I met him outside his room.

            “Someone is here to see you.” He let me open the door, my day just dramatically changed for the best. Ms. Tyler was standing there and ran into a hug.

            “Hey!” I said hugging her back, “What are you doing here?”

            “Well to see you of course! Look at you! You look so…”

            “Pregnant.” I finished laughing.

            “Well yes, but good and adult.” We both sat down.

            “Yeah, I know I am 6 months and 4 days.”

            “Wow, Casey that’s crazy. Do you know if it is a boy or girl?”

            “We want to be surprised, So no.”

            “How are you doing besides that?”

            “I am doing fine, just waiting on the baby’s arrival, I got an expectant visit from Meredith a while ago.”


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