"Remember the news article of Dante's kidnapping we got? It came in a blue envelope, instead of its usual white envelope. I feel that was a sign, that someone else sent that message. Maybe the sender of warning we just got, is on our side?" I suggested, thinking thoroughly.

"So we should listen to that warning?"

"Yes...?" My answer sounded more like a question.

"I'm trusting you on this one." He chuckled when I hugged him tightly before we sneaked back to the car.

3 Days Later...

The sun blended against my shades as I stepped out of the taxi with Jeremy's hand in mine.

"Damn that flight was dreadful, I was puking the entire flight." Jeremy covered his mouth once more.

"Well at least we're in Las Vegas now! On the side note, I enjoyed taking many pictures of you on the flight!" I taunted as he nodded weakly in response, trying to hand me a menacing glare.

Looking ahead, we noticed the similar address 3W! sent us. We remained silent, mentally preparing ourselves for the worst news we could possibly get.

"You ready?" He tightened his hold around my fingers, pulling me closer to him. Nodding in assurance, he ringed the doorbell.

"I swear if you're that pizza guy again, I'm gonna kill the living hell ou–oh sorry, hi...how am I help you?" She yelled out in frustration before realizing who was at the door.

"Erm...hi, w-we just have a few questions about your house air condition system, may we come in?" Jeremy flashed two fake IDs.

"Oh yeah sure come in." I rolled my eyes at how ignorant she seemed to be, not even bothering to check whether we were real air condition engineers .

Stepping foot into her house, I admired the simple yet aesthetic looking interior. I could tell pastel blue was her favourite colour. Mateo's words were true, she looked similar to me except for my tanner skin and bold green eyes.

"So there are two air conditioners in my—" we interrupted her.

"We aren't really here for that..." I trailed as her features morphed into confusion.

"We actually wanted to talk about your ex-boyfriend, Dante Valentino.." Jeremy stepped in, his words caused her eyes to soften as she slumped against the sofa.

Sighing, she looked back at us. "How do you guys know Dante? What do you want to know? Did something happen to him?" She shot us with numerous questions.

"We're friends, close actually but he recently went missing and we wanted to know a bit of his history, you'know?" I explained, unsure too what to find out from her.

Motioning to us to the sofa, we say down before she offered us drinks. As we sipped on our lemonade, she paced back and forth with her arms wrapped around her waist.

"Yup, he did went missing I heard. Dante...he was different from others is all I can say."

"Different in what way?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

"So many ways actually...maybe that's what drew me to him. I loved him with all my heart, his flaws and his tears– I loved it all." It seemed like she was saying it lore to herself than to us.

"Why did you leave in a sudden then?" I let my thoughts roll off my tongue.

Chuckling slightly, she played around with the strand of hair that paved the side of her face.

"I didn't want to leave, trust me when I say that. It was his cruel father who threatened me, saying that he would hurt Dante if I didn't break up...I couldn't even bear to look at Dante anymore knowing that I had to break up...so I left the town for his own good...I did it all cause I love him so much." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Dante's father hurting him? That sounds absurd!?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Don't you guys know? His dad is the boss of the one of the largest mafia gang, Bronze Eagles, and plus, his dad is the definition of heartless and psycho. " she threw her hands in the air. Jeremy's mouth was slightly ajar, I assume he didn't know that information too.

"But why?? Why would he want you to break up with Dante?" I buried my face in my palms.

"He created a masterplan, of course. Maybe he felt that I was threat to the success of his plan." She suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

At that moment, her door bell rang. All our heads snap towards that direction, surprised. Standing up, she opened the door and picked up a package.

"For...Skylar Torres and Jeremy Lockhart...?"

"That's us" I spoke up.

Once again a bolded 3W! was imprinted on that blue packaging.

I didn't know whether that was good news...

To Love Jeremy Lockhart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now