Even so loneliness was something I cannot cope with and it wasn't like my cousins would help me out on that matter. Hell they even made it worse, so chose to follow my decision to befriend Jumper and Georgie. But I was certainly not going to tell my family about the drug issue, and now I couldn't help myself from questioning how they found out. We never once did our sessions at school. Never. The thought of it was beyond morbid. Not only will it be suicide, we were out in the open to let anyone see us rot our heads. Usually we would have to be hidden at Georgie or Jumper's basement while their parents weren't home cause they'd still interrupt us even at night time. And that alone wasn't even enough security so the door will be barricaded.

Although who was I fooling? Of course Ericka would find out, I was stupid enough to think she wouldn't. Nothing ever slips out of her view. She practically knows every dirty secret everyone who goes to Hillside has. Beginning from our principal to the janitors roaming the hallways after dismissals. Their suffering was basically entertainment to her and I wouldn't be surprised if even our professors are afraid to approach her. Other than that, Grant, Ella's boyfriend could have been the source of that information since he does practically everything for her. Even if it means selling his friends out. Almost thought to myself; that was probably the way Ericka talks about Georgie to the waste of life people she calls friends and it was making my blood boil.

"Georgie's not a skank."

"Yeah, whatever.. of course you'll say that. Friends tend to ignore each other's flaws and you are basically blind."

"What do you even want from me? If you're here just to talk shit about the people I care about, then fucking leave me alone, I've had enough of your bullshit!"

"Oh trust me 'Rianne, you wouldn't be saying that if I were you." Ella comments, her high pitched voice making my ears ring.

"fuck you!"

Ericka got onto her knees on the mattress, leveling to me and held both of her arms up. "Alright, alright, calm down Adrianne. I'm sorry about calling Georgina a skank. My mouth's just a little used to calling her that." She smiles. That same sly smile that also appears on her face when she's about to fucking ruin my already ruined life. She gently grabs both of my arms, "But that's not the reason why I came here in the first place. The real reason is; I want you to go to the dance tomorrow, and leave the auditorium. Get my camera from the building behind the school backyard."

"Behind the school backyard?" I repeated more to myself than to Ericka.


"Wait, what's behind the school back yard, E?" Ella asked however I get the feeling she already knows and was just feigning curiosity to give me proper exposition on whatever it was.

"The Hillside Cross Station.."

"What?" I stammered, eyes blinking awkwardly as I try to process everything I had just heard.

Hillside Cross Station was a formerly active Hospital. By formerly active I meant it hasn't been used neither renovated for about one hundred seventeen years since it burned down due to neglective maintenance. About eighty five people died from the fire that spread quickly alone; Fifty of which were patients trapped from what they thought was a drill and the rest were the staff thinking it was the same thing. There have been gossips from the Hillside government that they were planning to fix it and get it working again by the time they get the right amount of budget, but that plan has been postponed for the mysterious happenings from the abandoned building. For a hundred seventeen years there have been rumors circulating the building that it was haunted and that a demon was the reason to why the hospital burned down.

Allegedly a Wealthy Family from the nineteen hundreds had a sickly child in there that died long after he was checked in. It was said that he passed on due to some kind of poisoning from one of the doctors and because of that, the family grew immense wrath and cursed the place to eternally be haunted by the soul of their child and everyone that died in it. That isn't even it. For the rest of the hundred years that it has been abandoned, many people killed themselves there and now haunts its halls. Some people speculated it wasn't suicide and that the demon lured them in by showing itself as a beautiful manifestation of their wildest dreams and convinced them to take their own life as punishment for the sins they've committed while they were alive.

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