Chapter Twenty - Wolves - Part One

Start from the beginning

"Why did you run?" He abruptly asked me.

I looked at him, confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

His steps quickened. "If you ran because of your step-father, things are different."

A weight settled on my heart. That was part of the reason, sure, but it wasn't the only thing on my mind when I ran. I looked up to see Samuel had stopped pacing and was staring at me. I averted my gaze and looked to the ground.

"Well?" He asked.

I started to lie, but I knew it was useless. "I'm not really sure you want to know my answer," I spoke slowly.

His body stilled, but he kept his eyes trained on me. After a moment, he looked to the ground and snarled, "Great."

Annoyance tugged at my heart, but I tried not to let it simmer. Samuel resumed his neverending walk, sending glances my way every now and again. His face was scrunched in concentration and his hands were constantly moving between resting on his hips and neck. I tried to ignore him, but it wasn't working.

"What are you thinking?" I finally asked.

He glanced my way again but didn't respond. I huffed in annoyance and repeated my question. This time, he didn't even look at me. He just kept up his incessant pace, sending my nerves into a frenzy. I glared at him as he walked, wishing I could pick apart his brain. If what awaited me at home was worse than rotting in this dirt hole, I wasn't going to face it. I would die before I let them hold me in a prison for the rest of my life.

Suddenly, an idea came to me. "You know," I started slowly, gauging Samuel's reaction. "You said you didn't tell anyone where I was going. No one really has to know what happened."

He abruptly stopped pacing and looked at me, confused.

"If it's going to be that bad for me, we could just tell people I was kidnapped."

His eyebrows raised as he ran a hand through his hair. Still, he refused to speak. The pacing had stopped though, which was a slight improvement.

"It could work," I encouraged, noting his tense frame.

"I know it could work. That's not the point," He finally answered.

"Then what is?"

"We can't just lie and duck under the law. Under the Alpha."

I scoffed. "Um, yes, actually we can."

He suddenly glared at me. "No, we can't."

"Why not?" I returned his scowl.

"Because the laws are there for a reason."

I shook my head, deepening my scowl. The laws the werewolves enforced were absurd and hypocritical. One of their own could go home and beat his mate every night, but if a human tried to run, steal, or even looked at a werewolf wrong, the world suddenly stopped spinning. My lips turned into a grimace as I stared at Samuel. He was defending the very thing that sent this world- and my life - to Hell.

He took my grimace as worry as he quickly softened his features. "Look, I'm going to fix this. No one's going to hurt you. I just don't know what to do, yet. I need to talk to Riley."

He raised his palms in surrender and smiled softly. I, however, wasn't swayed so easily. I didn't respond to Samuel's reassurances, but instead folded my arms and stared at the ground. Eventually, I heard him sit down as well, though it was far away from me. When he sat down I shifted my gaze and looked up towards the trees. Freedom was so close. I could see it. But, there was absolutely no way I could climb out of this hole. There wasn't even a way I could bribe myself out. I hadn't seen a single person since they threw me down here. My constantly dry throat, empty stomach, and bloody clothes reminded me of that.

I heard Samuel sigh. "Look," he started.

I whipped my gaze towards him and deepened my scowl. He flinched back slightly, opening his mouth. Words almost left his lips when he went deathly still. He jerked his head upwards toward the setting sun, holding a hand out for me to stay quiet. I did as I was told, immediately following his gaze. I searched the opening for some sign of movement while my ears strained to hear anything but my own heartbeat.

We stared in tense silence for a few long minutes. Samuel never moved and never told me what was going on. Eventually, his frame started to relax. He shot me a worried smile before looking upwards once more. When I heard rustling above us, I slowly mimicked his movements and looked to the sky. However, it wasn't sky that I saw.

It was the large head of a dark wolf.


So yes, that was definitely a super short chapter. Sorry! But, I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger XD Also, this chapter wasn't my best, so please just ignore that. The action and story will continue soon!

Who is the wolf??

Will Samantha find a way out? If not, what will happen to her??

Thanks for your amazing votes and comments! Please keep them coming!


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