One Shot #4 Cupid x Dark Date (Part 1 of Jak's Tale)

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Okay, so this chapter is dedicated to Artiana, because it was her beautiful one-shot idea that started it, but the two main people I owe all of this to are AliceCrazyAwesome, GrowingWrings and most of all, 11Annonymous11. She wrote the entire 'Love is an Open Door' scene, and if you haven't read any of her or the other's stuff you absolutely must, they're brilliant.

So, yeah, I found this ridiculously hard to get through, but thanks to the courage of those three I made it work!

Now, finally, this chapter is one of three, combining three different oneshots in one epic tale. Literally a tale... Oh Satan just read it...

"Really, Moony, you need to get out more." Dark's skinny legs crossed as her body reclined upside-down on the Man in the Moon's armchair, leaning in a way that emphasized her chest, or as much of it as she had. Her hair was hovering above the floor carved from moon rock, twisting out like black snakes. A lazy grin lit up her face as she shifted, the long white clothe that barely covered her slipping to expose even more of her long thighs.

The Man in the Moon sat upright opposite, keeping a straight face regardless of her position. "You know that I am perfectly content up here, Cupid."

Cupid span around until he was sitting properly, the white toga slipping completely from Dark's chest before he changed form again, realising that Dark's body was having no effect on the Man in the Moon- he wasn't that sort of person. He grinned and waved his basket of confetti. "Please. You have no idea what you're missing out on."

"I serve the children better from up here."

Cupid wagged his eyebrows. "Are you scared?"

"Of what?" The Man in the Moon continued to gaze at the planet sprawled below him.

"Of people." He was grinning now, in the way he did when he was poking fun at the Man in the Moon. "Are you scared of speaking outside of mystic sentences, of having to look people other than me in the eye when you talk. Oh God, you are, aren't you?"

"Well I'm not throwing myself at them all like you if that's what you're suggesting," the Man in the Moon said, and Cupid's smile dropped.

"You don't know anything about what I do."

"On the contrary, I know more than anyone else." MiM steepled his fingers as he looked at Cupid with what might have been a wry smile. In response Cupid's form flickered from the fat blonde man he normally was into the tall, olive skinned boy, towering over Manny like an avenging angel, wings slightly spread. "Oh please, Cupid, spare me the theatrics."

"You're one to talk about theatrics," Cupid noted, unable to think of a better response. "How many times have you just avoided the simple act of asking Darkness out?!"

"What, like you simply asked out Melantha? Or is that Chandra I'm thinking of?"

Cupid stared at him. "How dare y- How dare you even mention those names?"

"Why? Didn't those work out swimmingly for you?" Manny knew he'd hit too far below the belt as he watched Cupid gasp for words, unused to being beaten in an argument by the Man in the Moon. Conflicts such as those were extremely common among Manny and his angel, and they always hurt, but were easily resolved.

"More swimmingly than your attempts on Darkness. She hates you, and you have no idea how to change it!" Cupid said angrily, an idea forming in his mind. "Because out of everybody, you're last on her list of people she's likely to love."

"Actually, I think that'd be y-" Manny stopped as Cupid disappeared, sighing. He liked Cupid, he really did, but the boy seemed determined to be a pain. Cupid meeting Darkness had made it no easier as he had taken her lead for blatantly insulting him. His telescope twisted around behind him, and he turned so that he could see it spinning as though an invisible force had just pushed it forcibly. Sighing, Manny moved over to it, wondering what it was Cupid wanted him to see as he ran through the lists of places he should look.

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