8~ Leap Of Faith

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*Jodie's P.O.V*

"Have another go if you think you're fast enough!" I yelled teasingly over the edge of the roof at the frustrated police officers who are currently chasing me. They still haven't given up.

It's been three days since I dumped the tracker, and so far I haven't seen any further signs SHIELD, but let's focus on the main problem right now: Escaping the police. I leapt from rooftop to rooftop, their gunshots echoing around me but never hitting their target. I heard several people screaming but kept running, and when I thought they were far enough behind I jumped for a lamp post and swung down it to the ground. There was a commotion behind me, and over my shoulder I saw the police shoving their way through the crowd after me as I bolted. My bare feet smacked against the concrete of the road as I ran, car horns blared and tires squealed in my wake.

Lose police group one: Check. I'm not stupid though, I know there will be more of them.

Sure enough, as I ran through someone's backyard and vaulted over the fence I had to swerve violently down another street as I nearly ran into group two, and this one had the chief of police with them. I'm running down one of the busiest streets in New York, the perfect place to lose someone and hide... If it weren't for the fact that there wasn't much traffic today, for a change. That completely ruins my plan. I'm running out of places to hide that the police don't already know of, so I decided to take a chance and ran through the swinging doors of the closest building.

People exclaimed in surprise as I darted across the entrance room, shoving people aside and causing briefcases, papers and folders to go flying. A lady sitting at the reception desk merely glanced at me before waving her hand for me to continue. I smiled and ran for the elevator, dodging around security. The elevator doors were opening just as I reached them, and a tall lady with auburn hair stepped out. I skidded past her, accidentally spilling coffee down her shirt. I yelled a quick apology as I jabbed at random buttons, willing the doors to close before the police got here.

"Come on, come on. Close close close close!" I yelled in desperation. They began to close just as I saw the police and security running in my direction. I backed against the wall, fearing being caught for the first time. The doors closed just in time. I heard banging on the other side and sighed in relief as the elevator began going up. Lose police group two: Check. Lose security: Check. Ruin someone's nice shirt with coffee: ... Check.

"Identification, please."

I jumped as an electronic voice filled the elevator, and I searched around for the source.

"Identification, please," the voice repeated. I was surprised that it sounded British.

"W-who are you?" I stammered, straightening up.

"Just A Rather Very Intelligent System," the voice replied. "Otherwise known as Jarvis. I am the property of Mr Tony Stark."

I froze. "Wait, are you telling me that I've just hitched a ride in the elevator of the tower belonging to the Tony Stark? Iron Man, Tony Stark?"

"Yes, ma'am."

My eyes widened and I slapped a hand to my forehead, cursing under my breath. How could I be so careless that I didn't look at the building I was entering? "Well, Jarvis... Mr Stark isn't going to have me arrested, is he?"

"I don't believe so. But I will need some identification, please."

I exhaled slowly. "Jay."

The elevator doors opened and I cautiously stepped out into a well furnished room. As I stood there glancing around, I didn't freak out when Jarvis spoke: "Sir, you have a visitor by the name of Jay. And I'm afraid we have a security breach as well."

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