5~ Breakaway

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January 22, 2004

*Jodie's P.O.V*

New year. New beginning. Something new worth fighting for.

Yeah right!

School was a living hell after we were allowed to go back. Everywhere I went, people either shouted or whispered the name 'Radioactive'. That's what nearly everyone is calling me now. Anyone I was friends with are now scared of me and run away whenever I approach and even some of the teachers seem slightly wary of me, while others have taken more of a liking to me since I taught Riley Baxter a lesson. On the plus side, Riley and his friends haven't been near us or Nicholas since, so we're all a lot happier.

Robin, Liam, James, Harry, Nicholas, David and Michael were the only ones that stuck by my side after the fight, just like they said. And Nicholas was right, I have managed to gain some control over my power, which is good.

Now, David and Michael have graduated from school, meaning they have to leave Morningside. However, Tom, Andrew and Leo moved into an apartment together and they made the decision to adopt Nicholas. I don't remember being happier for him, and even though we see him at school, I miss having him around. So now it's just me, Liam, Harry, James and Robin. We're in our last year of school, so that's a bonus. The four of them moved into my room when Ms. O'Dell got a few more arrivals at Morningside, and there is plenty of space for them now. This also makes it easier if we want to talk late at night - at least before Ms. O'Dell catches us. Anyway...

As Liam, Harry, James, Robin and I walked our usual path to school, I get the feeling that today something is either going to go right or extremely wrong. I can't tell, it is just a feeling. I think the boys were trying to cheer me up, for suddenly I was swept off my feet and thrown over someone's shoulder. I'm not surprised that it's Harry, he is always doing this to me. "Harry! Put me down this instant!" I laughed, hitting his back gently.

"Not a chance, Jay! You're my prisoner now!"

I rolled my eyes and propped myself up on my elbow against his back. I know he won't put me down until we get within a few hundred feet of the school. Liam, Robin and James walked along behind, laughing at my misfortune. "Having fun there, Jay?" Liam smirked.

"Oh, be quiet. At least I don't have to walk."

"True, but why don't you try doing this to Harry once or twice? Then he would see how it feels."

I snorted with laughter. "He would think he's getting the royal treatment with not having to walk. I think I'll pass."

As usual, Harry placed me back on my feet as we got within a few hundred feet of the school. As usual, I felt a pit swell up inside my gut knowing that beyond those gates was another day of torment and rumors awaiting. As usual, James and Robin walked close beside me with Harry and Liam walking in front. I am happy, this makes me feel safe. We walked in the gates, and as usual everyone stopped what they were doing and either moved away from me or turned to stare. But for once, one person didn't move. I went to move around them, but they stuck out their arm and knocked me backwards. Luckily Robin caught me before I hit the ground.

I recognize this student: Hannah Benton, a girl in our year with long blonde hair who always wears too much make up, shirts that show a bit too much cleavage and skirts that are really short or jeans that are too small. The only reason she is taller than me is because she wears heels, and it is no secret that she has a major crush on Robin. I admit, he is rather good looking, but I would never consider having a crush on him. He's like extended family to me.

"Hi, Robbie," she cooed. "How are you, babe?" She trailed a manicured finger along his jawline and I saw him stiffen.

"What do you want, Hannah?" he asked, trying to remain polite while setting me back upright.

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