6~ Leaving It All Behind

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April 22, 2005

*Jodie's P.O.V*

Life has been very good to Harry and I since Caleb adopted us. Well, I don't know if you'd call it adopted, but he's our legal guardian now. Harry and I graduated school, and we currently help Caleb out with small jobs in our apartment, along with taking weekly shifts at a grocer's store just down the road to help pay for the apartment.

In our last year of school we spent as much time with Robin, James, Liam and Nicholas as possible. Even outside of school we were often seen playing soccer in the park or doing our homework together - with a few distractions here and there - just like we were in the orphanage all over again.

In one month I'll be 19, and a few weeks after is Harry's 19th. Caleb keeps joking how 'his little babies' are growing up, and that just results in Harry and I either leaving the room or throwing a pillow at him. We all sleep in separate rooms, which I quite like after so long of sharing a room with four boys, even though it was nice to have my friends so close to me. Harry and I take turns sneaking into each other's rooms late at night for a movie night, midnight snacks or just to talk. We may live together, but we always find something to talk about. Caleb has often come in to wake one of us up and found both of us sprawled on the floor in someone's room, sharing a pillow between us and most likely with Harry's head across my stomach or by my feet.

The first time he found us like this he took a photo and sent it to the others, much to our embarrassment. Now he just rolls his eyes and yells, "BREAKFAST!" Trust me, that single word wakes us up immediately. Or he blows the air horn he keeps stashed somewhere in his room.

Harry's room is decorated with whatever you'd expect to find in a guy's room, I don't know how to explain it. Sports, bands, music, more sports... In my room I have my bed in the corner by the window, a desk by the door, a chest of drawers against the wall and a small table next to my bed. On the small table I have propped up the group photo on our last day at the orphanage. That is probably my favourite photo yet. On the chest of drawers I have the photos of my family and any others with me and the guys. The package Ms. O'Dell had given me? That had turned out to be a photo she'd taken the day the boys and I had all fallen asleep in my room on my 16th birthday. Harry and I laugh about all the crazy stuff we did growing up, but we are happy we've made such good friends. Anyway...


I looked up from my book as Caleb walked in the door. He held a small envelope in his hand and tossed it at me. I turned it over, inspecting it. "What is it?"

"How should I know? But you might recognize the handwriting," he smirked, walking into the kitchen where Harry is making dinner. He was right, it was Ms. O'Dell's handwriting. But what could she be writing to me for? It's been over a year since I left. I opened it and a small square disk fell into my lap. I picked it up and frowned.

"Jay, what is it?" Caleb asked, sitting down beside me.

"I have no idea. Looks like a computer chip or something."

He took it from me and inspected it. "Close. It's a memory card for a video camera."

"Why would Ms. O'Dell send it to me?"

"Don't you remember all the things she recorded us doing over the years? She kept one for every kid but because we were always seen together, I'm betting this is yours with bits of us involved."

Smiling, I took it from him and plugged it into our own video camera. I then plugged that into the t.v and Caleb turned it on. I pressed play and immediately a video of my first soccer game in the backyard with the boys started playing. I collapsed in a chair with a laugh, and Harry walked in carrying three plates. We ate our dinner as the videos played, causing us to choke on our food at different intervals from laughing so much.

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