Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, just another two weeks." Liah replies excitedly.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, though. I'll just be stuck around here as always. At least it will be my birthday, though."

"No, we should do something! Go somewhere!"

"Oh, please! That's just what I need. A vacation! I have never even had one."

"Spring break only lasts ten days, we'll have to find something nice to fill the time. Or..." Liah trails off.

"Oh, come on, vam - " But the woman returns and we can't talk about vampires anymore. But Liah comes up with a nickname, "Your safe with us tucans." Tucans? That was her code name for vampire?

I snort to keep from laughing, "Yes, I know. I trust you tucans. I'll go." The woman looks up at us as if we're insane, and I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"Good, I guarantee you'll have a fantastic time with us tucans."

After our luxurious manni petti, Liah walks me home. More like picks me up and whizzes me

home within three minutes.

"Whoo! I'm still not used to that!" I exclaim, wobbling around uneasily. Liah grabs my arm to steady me and brings me into a hug.

"I'll see you at school." She says.

"Bye, Liah. And thank you for paying." I snort.

"Thank you for letting me!"

"Haha, okay. Bye!"

When I returned to my room, I immediately got started on my english essay. We were supposed to choose any superstitious myth in history, research it, and write a ten to fifteen page essay on it. And guess what I chose? Vampires. The most fun of all! And I could ask any of my friends, and they'd gladly help me with the answer. I opened up the IM I had been typing to Matt, who volunteered to help me.

Evaa: hey, Matt. You ready to help with this vampire essay thing?

Mattipoo: yea

Evaa: Nice screenname you got there.

Mattipoo: Liah made it, don't blame me lol

well, let's see. I know in Egypt, the goddess Sekhmet drank blood. And an Indian goddess, Kali, did as well. look those up on the internet.

Evaa: good, thanks. what about all that junk myths about garlic and coffins and stuff?

Mattipoo: Haha, well, I guess people wanted to make stuff up. they said that vamps were 'allergic' to garlic and stuff. it repelled them, apparently. but that's a load of bull. as for coffins, it's like they were buried in a coffin when they died and coming out of it at night to drink blood.

Evaa: Bats?

Mattipoo: complicated...uh, if we're around one and we're in danger, we can talk to it and ask it to get help and stuff.

Evaa: did you see lord of the rings?

Mattipoo: no, why? haha I'm not dorky like you Evalin

Evaa: oh please, it WAS a really good movie! in lord of the rings, Gandalf was on top of this tower and he whispered to a moth to go get help from eagles to rescue him.

Mattipoo: that's interesting, i guess...that's basically the same with us and bats. we get them on our side if we're in danger.

Evaa: that's pretty cool. Now, what else?

I thankfully got eight pages done with Matt's help. He gave me lots of useful information. To both my project, and me personally. It took three long hours, and I was exhausted by the time I was finished, not to mention the sky had grown dark and I hadn't even noticed.

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