Chapter 1

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"James, buddy time to get up, daily broadcast is about to begin" my dad says.

I opem my eyes to see my dad at the edge of my bed, "What's the big deal of the 'broadcast' thing anyway?"

He says, "The presidents speaking today, James. It's not everyday you hear from him. Also, I work for him, so I need to be update at all times."

"Dad, do you ever think that what they say is wrong, like maybe they bend the truth, or even lie to us? I've been watching it lately, and they constantly say the same things. And yet, I haven't seen a war, I haven't seen less homeless people." I say

"Heavens no, son, they wouldn't do that to us, our government cares about us, trust me, you do believe that, right James?" He asks me

"Yeah, I guess they wouldn't do that to us."

I got out of bed, I began my daily routine. I slowly, but steadily got out of bed, then I would get dressed. After, I would brush my teeth. Then, I would go down the stairs, say good morning to everyone, eat my breakfast, then head off to my job. It was the same every morning, every day of the week, month, and year.

"Good morning Mom," my mom was the only one down, which never happens.

"Good morning James, how did you sleep last night?" my mom responds

"Pretty good I guess" I was gonna tell her something, but I couldn't, it was something I had to hold until a later time.


"Broadcast is about to happen" she says

"Good morning my fellow Americans," wow the president never speaks, must be something important, "As you may know we are at war with another country, while this is happening, many people have volunteered to fight for our country," wait, no, I remember hearing somewhere that they force them to, hmm, "When they leave to fight, those still left with jobs to do must now cover two more hours of work for them, we haven't decided how much we will pay you," what?! ,"Also, during times of war I ask you citizens to pay a generous offering to us to help aid our war, thank you have a good day." The television turned off. That was quicker than expected, then again Aleman always talks for a short time, still gets his point across.

I look at my mom, she doesn't even seem to care, I really want to ask if she even heard what just happened, but I don't.

I see her go to the office and get the checkbook, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Oh, President Aleman wanted us to pay a generous offering to aid in the war, did you not hear the announcement?" she says

"Yeah I did." I see her write $1,500 on the check.

"Mom are you crazy! Fifteen hundred dollars?" She doesn't say anything, she just stares at me with a shocked expression.

"Mom, you're throwing away fifteen hundred dollars!"

"I am not." She scolds me, "This is going to the government for crying out loud, they need our help!"

"Why? I don't hear anything about a war, no one says anything except Aleman! No one has been sent out! Just a few days ago he asked for money to produce more crops, we haven't gotten any more seeds or tools! Mom, did it ever occur to you, that maybe, they might be lying?" I challenge

"You're talking crazy James, you must've not gotten enough sleep. I'll see you after work, have a good day." My mom says, she's frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I'd just think that you'd know better." I say

"Know better? Know what James? Go to work you're gonna be late. You're in trouble when you get home." She tells me

I grab my backpack and key, I open the door and grab my bike.

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