Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet

Start from the beginning

North cleared his throat. " You better br-bring my baby back, dipshits." He growled. No one missed the crack in his voice but no one mentioned it as they all felt the same.  "North, we will be bac- BRANDON LOOK O-"

I saw the car coming head first into our side the headlights blinding me. It was too late to warn them. Raven saw the car the slightly before I did, so he grabbed the wheel and swerved the car so that the main impact would be towards the front of the car rather than the back where I was seated. Still, the impact sent our car off-road, and the car rolled violently, for what seemed like forever. I must have blacked out as when I woke up, the tablet was cracked, but the call was still active. I could only watch blearily as the guys freaked out on their end and were yelling for their brothers to get up. Raven groaned loudly, unclicking his seatbelt and grabbing his handgun.

 Raven groaned loudly, unclicking his seatbelt and grabbing his handgun

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Sean had used himself as a shield and had passed out, his head bleeding profusely. "Raven, Raven, oh god, Sean. Sean's bleeding bad." I panted, the adrenaline had started to wear off, but my own adrenaline was the only thing keeping me conscious now. Raven was covered in cuts too, as he checked Brandon, who had also passed out. The connection was a little shaky, as Axel barked orders to Raven in Russian and Raven was responding back snappily. I was about to say something when a loud voice halted everyone in their steps.

"Give us the girl, and no one gets hurt...maybe" Raven cocked his gun slowly. From my angle, I could tell that this dude outside wasn't alone. There was a female too, judging by the skanky looking stilettos standing nearby. I looked at Sean slumped over, Brandon out cold and Raven looked ready to pass out. I put my hand shakily on Raven's arm. "No, Raven," I whispered. "You take care of your brothers, they need you more than anything."

"I won't lose you, not again..." Raven said brokenly, eyes shifting between his brothers and me, worriedly.

On the other side, the boys seemed to have figured out what I wanted to do and were yelling profusely, protesting.

"Oh, just give the bitch up. You'll find another slut, you always do." The Woman cackled shrilly. "Is that Sang?!" Owen growled. The woman bent down and reached for the tablet, ignoring Raven's weak attempts at growling at her.

"Sang, she's done nothing to you let her be!" Axel demanded over the tablet. "She's no innocent. Master wants to play with her, badly. She got away earlier. Not this time~" she laughed, dropping the tablet next to the car, standing up once more. She stomped her heel into the tablet, making it break. I felt Raven pressing something into my mouth. Instinctively I opened my mouth and swallowed. "I'll find you, Hayden. We won't stop till you're by our side once more"

"Get Sandra,'' I instructed, blinking away tears. ''I love you, take care of them, " I said, before turning and dragging myself out the broken window. I knew Raven nodded, so I felt relieved that the others would be fine. A couple of cronies yanked me out of the opening, forcing me to stand before who I presumed was Volto and Sang. Sang was nothing like the girl I saw pictures of. She was a hollowed shell of herself; deranged and a ruin. I almost felt sorry for her, until she grinned, slapping me across the face. Her nails slashed my skin thinly.

I spat blood on her face, making her shriek in anger as Volto chuckled amusedly. She sucker punched me angrily. I coughed, my bruised body screaming out. "Master will deal you properly, bitch. He knows what to do, with little thieving sluts like yourself."

I suppressed a shiver at what her words implied and maintained a calm facade. "Yeah, that's b-because he is overcompensating for something else. " I choked out. She pulled my hair, making me scream a little. "You'll be very sorry you said that. I'll tell Master. The only reason why I haven't gutted you is because that would displease my Master."

''I can tell your stupid master where t-to stick it if you'd l-like'' I said, gasping a little as she tightened her grip. I rolled my eyes the best I could in this position at her refusing to submit to this witch. We all swiveled around when we heard chuckling coming from the car. "That's my girl," Raven said, smiling bloodily, leaning against the wreck, from where he had silently pulled himself out. Volto raised up a gun to shoot him to which I panicked and stepped in his line of fire. "Sweet,'' She told me, before turning to Raven. ''Yeah, babe, we'll see how long your girl lasts. We'll seeeee" Sang hissed. ''Let's go Volt.'' she snarled. The cronies grabbed both sides of my arms and half-dragged me away as a stumbled along on shaky feet. As we reached the road, a black bag was put over my head and a heavy fist impacted my skull, making it all go dark.  

They'll find me. They'll find me.


Hello my lovely Swans!! I was so encouraged by all your wonderful comments! It really gave me the inspiration to write this chapter up!! <3 <3 THANKS LOVES!

Confession; I actually wrote a couple of chapters the last time but I just wasn't happy it heehee.... So, I decided to rewrite chapter 36 and this is the product! 

Late update, I know ): I have been preoccupied with an insane amount of stuff >.< 

Do VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE  if you enjoyed this chapter, and have a fantastic day ahead!



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