Avalanche Ahead!

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I hooted in panic as Caesar tumbled down, the grenade fell out of his hand.

Preacher shoved me off of him which resulted into my wounded side slamming on the ground.

I whined and hissed in pain as I struggled to stand without causing so much harm on my sides. Caesar forcefully pulled out the arrow embedded in his side and looked at Preacher with uncertainty while Preacher aimed his crossbow at Caesar but there was a slight hesitation in pulling the trigger.

I stood on fours and saw Red aiming a canon at the two. Who was he going to shoot?

Are you blind ape?!? He's going to shoot Caesar!

That made me scramble to my feet and run towards Caesar. To my shock, Red shot the canon at Preacher, saving Caesar's life. I stopped from my run and Caesar stared at what was left of Preacher which was burnt snow.


I was stunned for a moment before I saw Red getting shot in the head by his one of his comrades. I gasped as Caesar growled at them before grabbing the fallen grenade and pulled the trigger of the grenade.

I swerved away as bullets started to rain down on us. Caesar made a dash towards me and rammed me into the ground though he made sure I was not harmed during the fall. All I could see was Caesar's chest (which is a nice view by the way up close) as the bomb exploded behind him.

I heard people screaming then...silence.

I blinked as Caesar slwoly stood up and looked at the damage behind him. I sat up from our lying down position and looked in at the damage Caesar created. We stood in silence for a moment when I notice the rapid fire crawling up to the tank and in the remaining flammable oil.

It's going to blow!

Caesar hooted as he pulled me up and we ran towards the adult cage of the apes just as the tank exploded even bigger than before. I hooted and slipped in first before Caesar and we didn't stop running until we reached the other side of the tunnel.

The heat in my back began to cool down with the cold air and Caesar and I tried to bring back our breathes as we tried to process what happened in the last few moments. I hooted softly to him with ragged breath.

"Are you alright?"

Caesar  gave me a pained smile before he touched the wounds on my sides that was slowly clotting. Loud cheering was heard and Caesar pressed a finger to his lips and I nodded. He slwoly stood up while I waited and as he stared ahead, a look of shock passed through his face.

Silence reigned and I realized the people weren't cheering anymore. I risked a peek and saw some of them aiming their guns at Caesar. I opened my mouth for a warning before a loud crack followed by something heading towards us.


Someone from within the group of humans screamed and my gaze snapped to the mass of snow heading towards us. The human ran away while Caesar and I made a mad dash to the trees in hopes of finding anything for us to hold onto as the Avalanche passes.


Meanwhile with the apes, they had waited patiently from the trees for Caesar and Kira's return but as soon as they spotted the avalanche, they began hooting in fear.

Maurice immediately hooted at them to head to the trees. 

Lake grabbed Cornelius's hand just as soon as Blue Eyes grasped hers and led them to the trees.

Bad Ape gasped and took a step back, away from the tree.

"Oh No! Oh No!"

Rocket groaned at Bad Ape's antics before grabbing his hand and pulled him to the safety of the trees.

Kira and Caesar felt the winds grow harsher and the doubled up the pace to the trees.

Just as soon as they started to climb, snow swept over the land like a tidal wave and the couple had to press themselves to one another for safety and for warmth.

The two closed their eyes as they waited for the avalanche to pass.

Silence fell and Kira felt the cold winds slow down and opened her eyes to find her fur on her head filled with snow.

She shook off the snow which made Caesar open Hus eyes in bewilderment.

The two climbed up higher as they inspected the damage of the base camp.

Only, there was boe base camp.

"The humans have been wiped out! We're finally free!"

Sounds of cheering came and the two saw their entire ape family cheering for them.

Maurice and his adoptive daughter, Nova smiled at them.

Blue Eyes nodded at his father and Caesar smiled with relief at him.

Kira fave a wide grin once she saw her youngest son hooting at her in Lake's arms. The young female ape smiled with relief at her human ape leader, glad that it was all over.

Julius sighed as he hugged his wife sideways.

Adeline and Ryker grinned at each other before widening their eyes and looked away. Livius laughed at the two earning a glare from his older brother.

As the apes climbed down, Cornelius ran into his mother's arms and wailed out tears of joy as Kyra stroked her little Prince's back.

Julius, Blue Eyes and Caesar shared a hug while Blue Eyes and Lake pressed foreheads together.

The rest of the apes got reunited with their children and mates.

Maurice walked up to Caesar and Kira with Nova on his back.

The little girl slid down and walked up to Kira who stared at her blankly.

The apes watch the two humans whom they considered as one of them.

Kira suddenly smiled and hugged Nova who happily returned the gesture.

The apes cheered once more, glad that everything turned out okay.

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