The Loss Of A Member

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Meanwhile, Caesar headed out to his nest when Luca came and signed.

"Caesar, what is wrong?"

Confusion and worry was present in the gorilla's eyes. Caesar looked at him before signing.

"How many apes do you have?"

"About 8, why?"

"Gather them all, Now!"

Luca bounded away, now alert as Caesar went around his home and decided to check to see if his earlier suspicions are true.

Sure enough, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps of that of a human. Caesar was stunned.

How did the humans find them?

Not even bothering to answer that question, he proceeded to kill the soldier down as he avoided the bullets that were going off in every direction.

Finally, the human lay dead as Caesar breathed deeply when he heard whirring. He saw a handheld transceiver and he took it and held it close to his ear.

There was another round of whirring before a voice with a hint of an accent reached his ears.

"99, target is dead...over"

At first, Caesar was confused at the words when realization struck him and the chimpanzee ape leader felt fear trickle down on his fur.

His sons...


He hurriedly raced back to his nest and saw a human standing near the waterfall holding onto a rope. The human turned and both froze as they locked eyes.

Caesar breathed deeply, suddenly afraid to turn around.

Gathering up his courage, he turned and paled at the very sight.

Blue Eyes..


They were lying side by side caked with blood. Neither of them moved nor uttered a sound. Caesar wanted to crumple on the ground and cry but...

Rage took over him and his primitive ways of avenging his mate and his son. A low growl came and the human immediately started shooting at Caesar and jumped off the waterfall. Caesar ducked for the bullets and when they ceased, he ran after the human. Determined to kill the man who murdered his family.


Once the news of humans in the home reached Kira's family, the bounded towards Kira and Caesar's nest. Amelia let loose a scream when she saw the body of her daughter and her grandson.

Julius hastily checked for any signs of life from the two but with his hands trembling so much, he couldn't find a beating pulse. He hooted for the ape doctors as they rushed in and took the bodies of Kira and Blue Eyes away.

"Has anyone seen Cornelius?!"

Livius suddenly signed and the rest of the apes started looking for the lost little prince.


Ryker stood beside Kira as the ape doctors tried their best to wake her up.

C'mon Kira, you have to pull through.

He felt someone come towards him and he turned to see Livius with a frown on his face.

"Caesar has come back. He's in their nest"

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