Renewed Hope

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I was in shock at the man in front of me.

He KILLED his own son?!

How could a parent kill his/her own child?!

"He looked at me with trust in his eyes which was all that he had left in his primitive gaze...and I pulled the trigger"

Raw emotion could be defined in the tone of the kernel. His eyes misted before he blinked back the tears.

Preacher and Red were stunned as Caesar and I was. They never knew the past of their kernel and finally knowing it sent out different emotions in them.

Caesar stayed silent as he gazed at the kernel. A part of him almost made him pity the kernel.

"Then, I met your lovely wife"

I tensed up again and a warning snarl reached my throat.

"A human, living in the wild with the apes, still having the ability to talk and not once went primitive"

His face was leaning too close to both Caesar and my liking.

"I tried to crack the secret of this immunity but found none"

My thoughts went back to all the times he tortured me and I paled. So that's why he was trying to draw out my blood in the most gruesome way!

The kernel stared at me for a few moments before he made a gesture to Red and Preacher to send Caesar away.

And I was sent back to my cage.


Caesar was once again strung up on the x poles and he sagged in exhaustion. He had hoped that he could persuade the kernel into setting them free or at least feed his people but what the kernel had just said to him sent him swirling into questions.

Was it really their fault? 

If the apes were to be gone then humanity would be saved?

The sound of a huge truck made him snap out of his thoughts and he saw what was loaded in each truck.



The apes hooted as the soldiers threw grains on the ground in the cages and placed water on rusty, old pales before placing it on their cages. Relief swept over Caesar knowing his people had been fed.

Lake turned her gaze at him and held a fistful of grain in her hands "You...Saved us all!" that statement made Caesar falter for a moment and doubtfulness of Lake's words feasted inside his thoughts. He was glad Lake and his family kept their faith in him but he doubted if he was worthy of it.

Not after the suffering they had endured.

He spotted Red walking up to him with a pale filled with water on his hands. Thirst and hunger shot through Caesar as Red raised the pale up to him when he suddenly dumped it harshly on the ape leader.

Julius, Ryker, Livius hooted in anger while Blue Eyes screeched in outrage. Caesar jerked back slightly as the cold winds hit his now soaked body. Feeling eyes behind him, his gaze went to the Kernel standing on the veranda of the watchtower, looking at him with amusement dancing in his cold, blue eyes. 

Caesar glared, refusing to let himself get intimidated by the kernel, despite the growing coldness he was feeling.

Blue Eyes could only watch his father shiver helplessly from the cold as the sun began to set and snow began to fall.

By nighttime, Caesar was already shivering and his body was covered with snow from head to toe.

Blue Eyes looked at his father with pained eyes as he clung on the metal bars that separated him from his father.

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