The Reason

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Being tortured by the kernel was one thing I hate.

Talking (signing) to him in person is another thing.

The kernel and I waited in complete silence, neither of us breaking our gaze from each other.

As if one was going to hit the first strike.

The sound of doors opening made me break my gaze away from the kernel (who turned his gaze to his table) and towards Caesar.

My eyes widen by a fraction.

His fur had lost it's luster and he was sagging from time to time from the pain in his back and I didn't even need to see the scars that had marred his back.

I snarled at the kernel when Preacher suddenly raised his crossbow at me.

Caesar made a move to atop Preacher but was yanked back by Red. After a tense minute, Preacher lowered his weapon and Caesar visibly relax.

The searchlight swept through the room and it illuminated one small room that made Caesar and I deeply troubled.

It was a sanctuary.

And not a good one.

Skulls of apes in every breed were hung on the wall. Some were even piled up.

The word HISTORY was crudely signed with blood.

The blood of the apes.

The light disappeared as did the room as if it was a place that was not meant to be seen.

And that chilled Caesar to the bone. I visibly paled at the sight.

"Interfere with work again..."

Kernel's voice made me look at him as he stared at the map ahead.

"And I'll be slaughtering your apes one by one starting from your sons and her family, Understand? I need that wall"

The kernel slightly turned and nodded at Red, gesturing that this conversation was over.

But I was not having it, neither was Caesar.

"Apes need food...water"

The kernel looked at Caesar then at me and I nodded in agreement. His gaze went back to the map.

"They'll get food and water when they finish the work"

"Give them food and water or they will not be able to finish the work"

At the end of his patience, Kernel looked at Caesar then at me before he started chuckling. This action surprised both Caesar and I and I could tell Red and Preacher were too.

"You know your very emotional"

He went to me and I tensed up. Caesar didn't say anything but his eyes hardened and his emerald eyes darkened and anger swirled.

The sudden familiarity of those eyes made me pale, not at the kernel but at Caesar.

He had the same look Koba gave to every human.

Including her.

"What makes you think you are in a position to make demands?"

With that, the kernel touched my hair and I took a step back when Preacher blocked my path.

Caesar held back a growl, knowing the kernel was right.


Preacher said, slowly grabbing my hand firmly and not painfully and nudged Caesar with his crossbow.

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