Chapter Nineteen - Chances

Start from the beginning

"You going to kill me with those?" Samuel's voice suddenly rang out. 

I flinched violently, sending the bullet I'd been holding tumbling to the dirt. I quickly snatched it back up and shoved it into my pocket. 

"No. Just thinking."

"About killing me in my sleep?"

I smirked. "Maybe."

Samuel let out a barking laugh, shifting his weight around. I allowed myself to laugh with him for just a moment. 

"What were you really thinking about?" He asked me. 

I sighed. I seemed to do that a lot during our conversations. "I was trying not to think, actually."

"Interesting idea," he mused. 

I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't really work."

"Well, I honestly could have told you that."

"Thank you. You're really just such a big help," I told him sarcastically. 

He laughed again. "I know, I know. But, in all reality, why don't you give those to me?" He gestured to my pocket.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why? You can't even hold them."

"I can handle a little burn, Samantha," he said as he rolled his eyes and shifted to his knees. He glanced upwards as he did, seeming to watch something moving above. I quickly followed his gaze, searching for what he'd been watching. But, the moment I was focused on the space above us, Samuel was at my side and digging the bullets out of my pocket. 

"Hey!" I shrieked, swatting at his hands. 

The moment I fought back, he pulled away. He held two small bullets between his fingers, letting only small parts of his skin touch the material. Sure enough, the skin was burning and blistering almost instantly. 

"Thank you," he smiled as he walked away.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I fumed. 

He was back on the other side of the hole now, sitting down once more. I watched as he dropped the bullets into his own pocket. 

"Not kidding. I just know how stubborn you are. Didn't really feel like arguing," he shrugged. 

I scoffed. "You're unbelievable."

"Oh, you like me and you know it." He flashed me a large and toothy grin. 

"Well, there's just so much to like, isn't there?" I falsely returned the smile, narrowing my eyes. 

He laughed again, relaxing his body against the dirt once more. "How are you feeling?" He promptly changed the subject. 

"Just peachy."

"I'm sure that's the truth."

"It is," I stubbornly stated. "I'm fine."

"You know, you don't have to lie. You were shot. It's alright to feel a little under the weather," he told me matter of factly. 

"I said I'm fine," I huffed. 

He held up his hands. "Okay, okay, I'll drop it."

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He smiled widely again. 

I sighed, wrapping my arms around my torso and looking to the sky. There wasn't much sky to be seen. The only view we had was the large silver bars and countless trees looming over them. 

"Can't you jump out of here or something?" I suddenly asked him.

He scoffed and raised his eyebrows, following my gaze. "It's not that simple. If I were to try, I'd have to be my wolf. And my wolf can't exactly break through solid silver and hold you at the same time."

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