Joys of Texting

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"Since when have you became such a texter?"

Pick let out a small startled, "Agh," and dropped his phone on the library table clutching his chest, his heart beating a mile a minute.

"Fuck, are you trying to kill me," Pick growled at his amused looking friend.

"Sorry, didn't realize you were so absorbed."

Just then his phone lit up and sounded off, ping, ping, ping.

"Is that Rome?" Porshe asked settling in the chair across from Pick.


Pick looked up from his phone when after a moment he realized his friend was being really quiet.  Porshe was looking at him in surprise.

"So, you and Bright..."

Pick sighed, "The dip shit and I have come to an understanding."

"It does seem like chaining you together worked out for the best. It's been what two weeks and you haven't killed each other," Porshe agreed.

"It did end up being one of the best days," Pick smiled thinking about Rome's agreeing to being his and Brights boyfriend.

"I for one am glad that Bright came around."

"Why," Pick grumbled.

"Because Pick I was tired of you denying your feelings for Rome and treating him like crap! He didn't deserve to be jerked around while you decided whether or not to get your head out of your ass!"

Pick sat in shock at his friend's sudden outburst. Porshe didn't say anything untrue.

"I was scared. I haven't ever liked someone that had the power to hurt me, like Rome does."

Porshe looked at his friend and could see the regret on his face, but also the feelings he had for Rome, "I know you really like Rome, Pick.  The one's that we like that have all the power are worth getting our hearts broken for.  They make us want to be better versions of ourselves and be better for them.  You've changed just in the last couple of weeks and you probably don't even realize it."

"No I haven't," Pick was quick to deny.

Porshe laughed, "Yeah, you have.  For one you never were glued to your phone before.  You laugh easier, smile more often.  Next time I see Bright I'm thanking him for that."

"Don't thank that fucker!  I'll never hear the end of it.  I don't smile more because of him."

Ping, ping, ping

Ping, ping, ping

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SOTUSxPuppy Honey: Two is Totally Better Than One [BrightxRomexPick]Where stories live. Discover now