No Funny Business

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It was peaceful until those two idiots suggested the unthinkable. It wasn't happening. No way, no how, uh uh!!

Rome stared at his handsome seniors with what he hoped was a stern look on his face. He knew if those two started working together he would have trouble. Right now he had trouble, with a capital T.

"I said no," Rome repeated hands on hip, his toe taping a mile a minute.

"The chain comes off at midnight, you really aren't going to kick us out that late are you?" Pick reasoned.

"Yeah, kitten, it's dark and scary that late at night, I might get Bright napped," Bright clutched at Pick's arm pretending to be scared out of his mind and Pick just wrapped his arm around him patting his shoulder as if to say there, there.


Pick and Bright working together was fucking terrifying!

"I'll just unchain you now. Let's call it even," Rome declared, that was fair he thought, they had endured enough.

"Now, now kitten. Pick and I aren't quitters. We agreed on 12 hours and, 12 hours is what we are going to do. We came this far, we are going to go the distance!"

"Besides, this studio has two beds," Pick pointed out, pointing to the unused bed in the corner, not that they were going to let Rome anywhere near it.

They could see their kitten wavering.

"We will be on our best behavior, Scouts Honor," Bright promised holding up two fingers in the scouts salute.

Pick snorted and muttered under his breath, "Like you were a scout of anything."

Bright lightly hip checked him, they were trying to work together here, hellloooo!

"Fine, but no funny business or I'm spraying you with water," Rome threatened grabbing the water bottle off the coffee table.

"I think he just wants to see us wet," Bright teased.

"Been there, done that. Should have taken some photos," Pick quipped surprising them both with his candor.

"Um, excuse me! You've seen our kitten wet?"

"Half naked too," Pick added rubbing it in.

"Strip down right now and let me spray you," Bright demanded loudly making Pick laugh, "It's only fair kitten. Fuck you for not getting digital evidence to savor for later," Bright continued hitting Pick on the head.

Pick just laughed harder, not even mad by the assault.

"I'm going to wash up first, P's. I'll leave out some toothbrushes and towels for you," Rome said heading towards the bathroom.

"Hey, wait. You have extra toothbrushes? Do you have sleepovers often Rome?" Pick asked a hint of jealousy to his voice.

"Yeah, P. I invite a guy over every Tuesday, and twice on Thursday's. I have a whole drawer full of extra toiletries to be a hospitable host," Rome said with a straight face.

Pick and Bright looked at each other dumbfounded.

Rome sighed, "It was like a buy 2 get one free special. Geez, you guys are gullible." Then he ran to the bathroom before his seniors could throttle or spank him for his little joke.

"He thinks he's funny," Bright muttered.

When Bright and Pick traded places with Rome in the bathroom they started coming up with a plan over pretending to brush their teeth as how they were going to trick their cutie into bed with them. When they came out of the bathroom Rome had made it pretty easy on them. He was sitting up in his bed reading a book, not even paying attention to them.

SOTUSxPuppy Honey: Two is Totally Better Than One [BrightxRomexPick]Where stories live. Discover now