Chapter 4: Exposed Secret

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Oh my god, what should I do? What if he's some old creepy guy doing creepy things on the camera? I thought as I paced back and forward in my room. You know what, I'm just gonna do it.

VGirl22: Sure, Hold on.
lion6969: ok :)

I walked over to the mirror and took out my hair brush. I hope he's cute. I fixed my make up and sat back onto my bed and stared at my laptop. I clicked on the "Video Chat" button and waited it for it to load.

Calling lion6969

My heart was beating fast, I was so nervous.

lion6969 has answered

The screen loaded again, I sat there staring at a black screen waiting for him to appear.
"Violetta?" My dad said while knocking on my door.

I instantly closed my laptop and ran to the door. He would kill me if he found out I was about to video chat with a guy I've never met. I opened the door to find my dad standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I know I've been tough on you lately but it's only because I care about you...and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some ice cream?".

I roll my eyes.

"What am I?, Five?".

"So you don't wanna go?" My dad's smile instantly turns to a frown.

"Fine....I'll go" I sighed.

It took us about 15 minutes to get to the Ice cream parlour. My dad kept asking me about what kind of websites I went on on my new laptop, I said I only used youtube and since my dad is super gullible he believed me. When we finally arrived I took a seat in the first booth I could see.

"So what do you want?" My dad asks.

"Umm, Just a vanilla ice cream in a bowl I guess" I shrug.

"Okay, I'll go order" he says, he then gets up and walks away. Suddenly I hear a loud gasp. I look to my right and see Leon standing there with the biggest grin on his face.

"What's up?" He says as he slid into the booth and sat right next to me.

"My father's here, leave or he'll kill you!" I said in a panic.

"Oh, Calm down. I doubt he's gonna kill me in front of a bunch of 9 year old's" He said pointing to the kids party at the table across from us. I let out a laugh.

"Hey, Vilu I got you 2 tubs of Ice cream because I know how much my baby girl loves to eat" My dad says returning from the ordering counter and slides into the seat across from me and Leon.

"Kill me....Kill me now" I said as I pressed my palm against my face.

"Oh, Leon!. What are you doing here?" My dad asks.

"Wait, you know each other?" I ask, I was shocked.

"Well your dad and my dad know each other through business" Leon said as my dad nods his head.

"So...are you" My dad asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well, not yet anyway" Leon says as he put his arm around his shoulder and winks at my dad. Oh no...My dad was giving him the look. The look that says "I will kill you and feed you to a wolf." Leon quickly took his arm away from my shoulder.

"Just kidding" Leon says nervously

"So, how do you two know each other." My dad asks

"Well, we met at the studio" Leon says.

"Wait!, you're the boy that brought Violetta home, well you never actually did" My father says giving him the murderous look again. Leon then looks at me with his eyes bulged out, yeah Leon was definitely afraid of my dad.

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