Chapter 1: Loneliness

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"I'm sick of being controlled, I'm sick of being lonely. Why is my dad so protective of me, I feel so lonely...I need someone"  I wrote in my diary as tears fell from my eyes. "I wanna have friends I wanna fall in love...I want to have a life"  I stop writing and close my diary and hide it under my bed.

"Violetta, I made breakfast" Olga shouts from downstairs.

"One minute!" I shout back. I look at myself in the mirror and fix my hair a bit, I'm always anxious about how my hair looks. I open the door and walk downstairs to see my father German, Ramallo and Angie sitting at the table.

"Hi Vilu, did you sleep well?" Angie asks as I sitt down.

"Yeah..thanks" I was lying. I cried myself to sleep.

After I had finished eating breakfast I helped Olga wash up.

"Thank you for helping me, dear" Olga says graciously.

"My pleasure" I gave a short smile.

"Hey could you do me another favour?" Olga says raising her eyebrows.

"Ummm...sure?" I reply.

"Could you run down to the store and get me some bread, We've run out of it".

" mean alone?" My face lit up, I wasn't aloud to go anywhere without an adult with me. "Yeah, but don't tell your father" She says.

Olga gave me some money and I walked down to the store excitedly.

I can't believe it, I finally got to go somewhere alone. After a few minutes of walking I finally arrived at the store. I walked inside and looked around. I looked at the bread and checked the expiration date, It was a family habit since that time Olga accidently gave us expired bread a few months ago.

"What do you mean you're breaking up with me?!" a voice screeches from down the isle. I look up to see a blonde girl argue with a guy who I assume to be her boyfriend.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, Ludmila." He says with a smirk on his face.

"What a douche" I think to myself.

"I am a supernova!, I do not get broken up with!" The blonde girl said.

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Ludmila is out!" The blonde girl or "Ludmila" says. She turns around and starts to quickly walk down the aisle. She then bumps into me, knocking the bread out of my hand.

"Watch it" She hisses and walks out of the store.

The boy runs over to me and picked the bread up.

"Here" He smiles and gives it to me. I take the bread and walk away, there was no way I was gonna surround myself with people like him, my life was miserable enough.

When I came home my dad was waiting angrily. "

Violetta how dare you leave without my permission!" My dad says.

"Crap, he's angry" I thought.

"I- I just went to get some bread" I say, nervously.

"I don't care, go to your room!, you're grounded!. He shouts.

"This isn't fair!" I shout back.

"Life isn't fair, Violetta" My dad, German, says.

"I hate you!" I shout as I storm upstairs and run into my room. Okay, maybe that was a mean thing to say but he's ruining my life!. I sat on my bed  and noticed the bread was still in my hand. I ran out of my room and shouted "Here, give this to olga!". It hit him in the face. Of course I laughed. I walked back into my room, lay on my bed and sighed. I began to think about the people at the store. Even though they were everything I hated about people I was still envious of them, they got to live their lives. I got up and took my diary out from my bed.

"I've had enough" I wrote. "From this moment forward I'm gonna live my life how I want to and I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way. This is my life and I'm gonna decide how to live it. I don't care about who I hurt anymore, I want to live a life worth living"

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