Chapter 3: First Kiss?

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"Okay, here?" Leon asks, pointing to the bench that's placed in-front of a lake.

"Yeah" I say as we walk over to it. We both sit down.

"So...." Leon says while looking at everything around him.

"Why did you want to come here?" he asks curiously.

"Well, Olga used to take me here when I was little and I guess it brings up some good childhood memories" I smile.

"My best childhood memory was when Lucas, my dads business partner, got me my first guitar" Leon reveals

"My dad has a business partner too, his name's Ramallo" I say, trying to keep the conversation going.

"This one time he bought me a bike, the problem was....I can't ride a bike" I laugh.

"I'll teach you!" Leon says cheerfully.

"Oh....I'm not sure" I say nervously.

"Come on!, you'll be fine" Leon insisted.

"Are you sure you didn't mind paying for this bike? I would've bought my own it's just I didn't bring any money" I say as Leon rolled my new bike down to an empty road with me.

I would've used my own bike but it was at home and besides I was way too big for it now.

"It's fine" Leon reassured me.

"Now get on the bike". I sat on the bike and instantly felt afraid.

"You know maybe this wasn't a good idea" I panic.

"Too late!" Leon shouts as he pushes the bike forward, though he still hung on in case I fell.

"Put your feet on the peddles!". It was too late I had lost balance, luckily Leon was holding onto the side of the bike or else I would've fallen hard onto the ground.

"Okay, let's go back to the start" Leon said excitedly.

"Okay" I sighed. After 10 more times of riding down the straight road I finally started to get the hang of it. "Okay" Leon said rubbing his hands together

"Now this time I won't hold onto you".

"Okay..." I felt unsure. I put my left foot on the ground and my right foot on the pedal I took a deep breath and began to go forward. I was doing it!.

"Hey, I'm doing it!" I shoutto Leon excitedly until my bike starts to wobble. The bike started to lean to the left. Leon ran over and caught the bike just before it could hit the ground.

"It's okay, I've got you" He says in a gentle tone. Why was this guy I barely know being so nice to me?. I just stared into his eyes just wondering why someone like him would find interest in someone like me. Suddenly, Leon began to lean in.

"Is he about to kiss me" I thought to myself as my heart beat faster than it ever did before. I closed my eyes and waited for the big moment when suddenly....

"Violetta? Violetta?!" A voice shouted from not too far away....a voice that sounded exactly like my dad's.

"Oh, no!" I instantly leaned away from Leon and jumped off the bike.

"I've gotta go!" I said in panic. "If my dad sees me with you he'll kill me" 

"but...what about the bike?" Leon shouted as I turned around and ran.

"Keep it" I shouted back. I felt bad for leaving Leon just as we were about to kiss but my dad would've killed him, literally! and besides, it's probably for the best...I don't even know that much about him.

"Violetta?" Oh crap, he sees me. "Violetta!" My dad shouts as he runs over to me.

"What are you doing here?!". Crap, he sounds angry.

"I just needed some fresh air." I lied, well actually it wasn't a complete lie.

"I told Angie to bring you home an hour and a half ago!, she said she asked some boy to take you home" He yelled furiously.

"He did but when he left I turned around and went here, please don't be mad" I pleaded.

"You're coming home, NOW".

"Okay so I'm that means much to me...I basically feel like I've been grounded my whole life" I wrote in my diary as I lay on my bed. "but I don't regret hanging out with Leon....atleast I can kind of ride a bike now and I almost had my first kiss . I want my first kiss to be special though and I don't think any kind of kiss with Leon would be special now that I think of it. What if one day he decided I was a "bitch" and dumped me just like he did to that girl Ludmila. I'm gonna need to get to know Leon first before I can trust him...but I don't think he's gonna wanna talk to me anytime soon since I ditched him." I sighed and hid by diary back under my bed. I got out my laptop and checked to see if lion6969 was online....I wish I knew him in real life, maybe then we could be best friends....or more...well unless he's a 47 year old pervert trying to kidnap me.

lion6969 has logged on;
lion6969: hey
VGirl22: Hi, how are you?
lion6969: I'm good, you?
VGirl22: idk, I got grounded
lion6969: why?
VGirl22: It doesn't matter

I continued to talk to lion6969 for another 40 minutes until he had to go offline. I was bored and started to walk around my room, I saw my phone on my desk and picked it up. I started to look through my contacts. Embarrassingly enough my only contacts were my dad, Angie, Olga and Ramallo. "I'm so pathetic" I thought to myself. I went back over to my laptop to see a new message from lion6969.

lion6969: Hey, do you wanna video chat? :)

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