Locks Of Esna

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I lived in a small town called Abnub in Egypt. And even though I wasn't born there. It was a place I call home. I loved everything about. Everyday I would jump into the back of my father's horse and buggy and we'd go to the Locks of Esna. He would drop me off and head off to work. My father was a coachman. He was good at his job. Almost everyone he gave a ride tipped him more than he should. He was jovial and never let anything get to him. He had a simple dream. And that was to put a smile everyday on my mother's tired face. He loved her. So much that he would sell his right arm to make her happy. I loved their love. And everyday I pray for a love like theirs. A love so pure and selfless.

'Thank you baba' I said as we came close to the shores kissing him on his cheek and climbing down.

'Sure habibaty, will come back for you at noon' he said stirring the reins of the horse away from me.
I gave a heavy sigh and took out my book. It wasn't a novel or anything. It was a book of maps. Ever since I finished secondary school, all I ever wanted was to go to the university. I wanted to be a geographer. I wanted to see the world. To travel and explore. Mama would cry sometimes when she sees me obsessing over school books. She was like that. Growing up it bothered me. But she was like a hose pipe. Little things made her cry. I got used to her tears, but sometimes it was heartbreaking. We were just too poor to even consider it. I looked down at my atlas trying to trace a small town in France when suddenly I heard someone call my name.

'Menna! '
It was my older brother Ziad. He was running up to where I was sitting. I quickly put my book in my battered bag and started to walk briskly towards him. He seemed agitated. Breathing very fast he began to splutter' Mama....  Waiting...  Now.'

'Ziad, calm down. You are freaking me out. Is Mama okay? ' I asked, really starting to panic now.
It took him several seconds to calm down long enough to say' Mama needs you.

Now! 'He said. And without waiting for an answer, he seized my hand and began running.

The Light At The Very End Of The TunnelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant