Story of the Gorlin

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"My child, come sit with me," Emma's mother said,"Let me tell you of a tale of the horrid beast."

She sat on the bed with her legs crossed, eager and intrigued.

"It showed up one day unannounced with its claws sharpened and it's teeth polished, ready to attack. It terrorized the Bright Light Kingdom, destroying everything in its path. When it's claws tear your skin, it releases a venom that kills you within seconds. It killed more than half of the kingdom that day. Corpses lie on the floor as buildings are crumpling down. Left and right people were running for their lives, screaming at the top of their lungs. We all lost something or someone that day," her mother, Katherine, said, letting out a sad sigh.

"What is it called mommy?"

Katherine leaned forward, "It is called the Gorlin. After it had destroyed everything, it ran into the woods and disappeared."

Emma gave her a confused look.

"Are you saying that thing is still alive and it can come back to attack us at any moment?"

"Now child, let me finish. A prophecy was made that one of the descendants of the next generation of the Bright Light Kingdom will defeat the Gorlin and bring peace to the whole world," she explained.

Emma was curious as to who the prophecy was talking about. She herself was part of the royal family, so could she be a candidate?

She said with a smile,"Since we are part of the royal family, that means either you or my sister's daughter could kill the Gorlin and save all of mankind. However, I'm pretty sure it is going to be you because you are strong."

Although Emma was unsure. The thought of killing such a dangerous creature didn't sound appealing. In fact, it seemed terrifying.

"Mommy, I don't think I can do it. Perhaps Melissa, your sister's daughter, could kill the Gorlin," Emma said.

"You are only 5 years old right now. Of course you are scared, but after you go through the proper training, you will be capable of anything," her mother said as she wrapped an arm around her, "My child will be a hero. This is our dream. Will you accomplish our dream?"

She looked at her daughter with calm and hopeful eyes. Emma felt warmth spread throughout her body.

She gave her mother a smile as she nodded her head, "Yes mommy, I will be a hero to the people and you will see."

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