Chapter 4

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"Are you Cleve?" Emma asked. The man had a shiny bald patch in the center of his head and wore an oversized gray cardigan with black slacks. He was also short, much shorter than the girls.

He looked up at them," I am. Who's asking?"

"Hi sir," Iris said with a smile, "Do you remember anything about the de la Rosa ceremony in honor of Justin de la Rosa?"

Cleve smiled back and said," I remember. He was the man who brought that rose for Scarlet. It symbolized their forbidden love."

"Scarlet?" Antonia said.

"Yeah, no one remembers her, but I do."

Iris showed him her book,"I read about Scarlet in the Shining Stars books. What do you know about her?"

He became very intrigued as he said,"The books? You have the books?"

Iris nodded her head,"Yeah, I've read book 1 and 2. I started on book 3. So what does Justin have to do with the Bright Lights?"

"In due time, everything will reveal itself. For now, keep reading."

He was about to leave, but Antonia stopped him.

"Listen, grandpa, we didn't endure this whole entire chase so you could tell us to wait for answers. Iris keeps yapping about everyone's business and it's driving me insane! So you better say something that will actually help us!"

"Did you say Iris has the power to sense things about people?"

"Yeah, weren't you listening?" she said, with an irritated tone.

"Iris," he hesitated,"you are the next author of the Shining Star books."

"What?" They all said in shock.

"These books are the history of the Shining Star written by prophets like me and now you, Iris. You will write the next book because you have the gift of knowing things like I do. These books are very much real, but you will have to read the books to find out," he said, explaining everything to them.

Prophet? She seemed almost pleased, but it was still caught her off guard. How could someone from another planet be of any importance to this world? Was he telling the truth? As cool as it sounded, it seemed too good to be true.

"How do you know that it's me? I don't even know who you are! I'm not even from this world," she whispered the last part quietly.

"Dear," his voice softened,"I have the same power as you do. When I was younger I was always at the right place at the right time. I witnessed the major events that happened here in this kingdom, but no one would listen to me if I said anything about it today. So, those books speak for me instead. Use your gift with wisdom. You are the next author and you will witness the next upcoming event in Shining Star. Now go and experience the Shining Star."

The girls were all confused, except Iris of course. She was just stunned.

"So you're a prophet?"

"These books are real?"

"Is something big gonna happen in Shining Star?"

"Is Emma's mom evil?"

Iris shook her head as she said,"Guys relax. Didn't you hear him? I'm writing the next history book of Shining Star. Looks like I won't be going home anytime soon."

"Ugh, can't we throw her on the streets," Antonia said to Emma. She only gave her a serious glare in response.

"I guess not."

"How are you not freaking out about this? Aren't you scared?" Emma asked.

She laughed, "Scared? No, but I am a bit suprised. Thats why you gotta expect the unexpected. Also, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. So nothing ever scares me because I already expected something weird to happen. Anyway, I have to get to work."

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