Chapter 2

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Haiiiii!! Chapter 2 down *shoots ball into hoop* Yeee this story is rough but it's sweet and mean but I like it. I hope you guys like it too!!!

"Your mom is an awful person," Iris said, disregarding Emma's feelings.

"How can you be so nonchalant about that," she said, "You act as if my mother being a horrible person is normal. Also, she isn't evil. I don't care what that book says, even if it is magical. It's all made up."

Iris replied, "Sorry if I offended you, but these books are so interesting. It says your mom had a selfish heart, and she did terrible things to her two sisters."

"My mom only has one sister, Yenna," Emma said, putting more emphasize on the last word,"What do you mean books?"

"This is the second book of the series. I finished book one, which is about the history of the Fallen Stars. It also talks about how the Bright Stars and the Light Stars united through a forbidden love. Ooh, it gave me chills," Iris said, her body shaking in excitement.

"Who are the Fallen Stars? What forbidden love?"

She explained, "There were three kingdoms on this planet, the Angelic Stars, the Bright Stars, and the Light Stars. These kingdoms all lived in harmony, treating one another like siblings. One day a star so illuminating and blinding hit the planet. It became a glowing orb that leaked out glimmering magic. It was stunning, but it turned all the kingdoms against each other.

The kingdoms fought many years to claim the star, but the Angelic Stars won. The kingdom celebrated by immersing themselves in the magic of the star. However, it was actually filled with negativity. Everyone who touched the star was consumed with evil. From that day on, the kingdom became known as the Fallen Stars. Let's fast forward years later. Maria Bright fell in love with Jonny Light, but they were rivals from the Bright Star and Light Star kingdom. Through many hardships, they both got married and united the two kingdoms."

"I don't know much about the history of Shining Star, but Maria and Jonny are my grandparents. If this is book two, then there must be a whole collection that explains the history of Shining Star. This is amazing!" Emma yelped at the top of her lungs.

Antonia, who was sitting in the back, rolled her eyes. "Oh please! There is nothing exciting about the history of Shining Star, especially if it disses your mom like that. Those books are so not cool."

Emma averted her eyes away from her best friend. This was all so new for her. She loved adventures and this was surely an adventure, but Antonia was right about one thing. She loved her mom, so the book had to be wrong.

"Let's go to the library and figure out who Iris de la Rosa is," she said, "She must tie into these books somehow, otherwise where would she get these and be able to read them."

They all agreed and they were on their way to do some research.


"Hi, my friends and I would like to do some research on someone named Iris de la Rosa," Emma said confidently.

The librarian paused, falling deep into thought, "That sounds so familiar..."

Afterwards, she cleared her mind and typed something on her desktop. "There isn't any information about this person that you seek. Why don't you girls go take a look on our Ultimate Finder? It's exclusive, but only to royalty."

She pressed a button and the wall behind her slid open.

"That was about the third time someone thought your name was familiar," Emma mentioned as they walked down the hall. A big screen was hanging along the wall.

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