Mistakes and Forgiveness

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The last chapter was actually suppose to have a different feel to it that's why it was named 'drowning' I will think about changing the title but for now it will stay that way. Anyway this chapter might hit you with some feels. It's a rollercoaster of feels so brace yourselves.

3rd Person POV

The JJK Hotel has been running for a few months and it has gained five stars and a very great reputation. Jungkook made sure to advertise his husband's hotel. Jimin and Taehyung had also decided to move their office into the hotel as the main office and live that place as the second location. Clients loved the place and used it as the venue for their occasions. It was fully booked for the rest of the year and the year was only four months in.

Jimin and Taehyung were in the conference room going over details for Jin and Namjoon's weeding. After so many years together Jin was pregnant and Namjoon grew a pair and proposed. Jimin had to beg a couple to give up their spot in the waiting list for the hotel to the NAMJIN couple in exchange for a fully funded weeding in a different location. The had to have the weeding before the baby arrived and Jin refused to get married "looking like a whale" so he says.

The two businessmen finished their meeting when Taehyung decided to share some news.

"Hey Minnie... uhm... I am leaving the country later. Me and Hobi are going on a romantic holiday and I am very excited! So I will not be in for a couple of days. That's ok right?"

"Uhm yeah ofcourse. You deserve a break. You worked so hard on the hotel." Jimin assured and praised his friend.

"You did too you know. You deserve a break too." In return he received a smile.

"So how about you and I have dinner before I leave."

"No can do... I have dinner with Kookie and his parents and before you ask yes... the same ones that absolutely despise me but Kookie is convinced they have had a change of heart so we will see. Speaking of which..." he looked at the time only to see that it was five minutes before the set time and the restaurant was twenty minutes away so he was very very late. Great another excuse they will have to hate him even more.

"I am very late. I gotta run. Have fun on your trip and give Hobi my love."

"Will do. Be as nice as you possibly can, they are your in-laws after all." He handed Jimin his phone and bag as he was rushing to get his coat on.

"Being nice is a two way street. I will be nice if they are nice." Jimin smiled and gave Taehyung a kiss on the cheek before rushing down the hall shouting, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck!" Tae did as requested.

"Love you." He replied and waved without looking back. Taehyung chuckled abd shook his head at his friend's antics.

At the Jeon Dinner

Jimin arrived 20 minutes late. Jungkook stood up as soon as he saw the love of his life. He kissed him and helped him take off his coat before he pulled out his car for him.

"Sorry I am late. I had a hectic day at the office." Jimin smiled politely and apologised.

"Well our son works too and he was on time." Mrs scoffed.
'Well this is getting off to a great start.' Jimin thought.

"Mum Jimin is busy. He runs many businesses so he is a lot busier than I am." Jungkook explained in an attempt to ease the tension.

"Ofcourse he is... you bought him a hotel for crying out loud!" Mr Jeon rudely remarked.

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