He's Here

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A/N: I have been busy lately, so I didn't put much thought into this chapter. I will click the 'Completed' button pretty soon because I believe this story's pretty much done now. So, enjoy the rest of the story and I have a little something for you to read at the very end.

To pass the time waiting for Daniel, I agree with the little girls to play card games with them. We decide to play a classic game of Go Fish, because the rules are simple, and I found out that it's the only card game the girls know.

I take a good look at my cards and try to pick the one that Macy or Haley might have a match to.

"Haley," I announce. "Do you have... any fours?"

Haley grins a toothy smile and says, "Nope! Go fish!"

I huff and reluctantly take the top card off the stack of cards neatly placed on the coffee table. We keep the game going for quite some time until one of us runs out of cards, which is Macy.

We count up our matches and Macy wins. She has seven pairs, Haley has five pairs, and I ended up with only two pairs. I have a slight feeling that the game is rigged.

"Let's play again!" Haley beams even though she came in second and not first. I'm about to collect the cards and shuffle them when I hear a knock on the door. The girls immediately stand up and race to the window by the door to she who it is. My heart beat quickens, and I wait.

"Mommy! There's a stranger at the door!" Macy yells to her mom who's in the kitchen doing dishes. Catherine comes out of the kitchen and answers the door. I can't see who it is because I'm still sitting in the living room, huddled up with a blanket. I already know who it is, though, and when he's guided to the room I'm in, I'm positive that I don't feel as cold any more.

"It's about time," I joke with a smirk. I watch Daniel's eyes widen. He probably thinks I look like I just rose from the dead, too. I don't expect what happens next. Daniel runs over to the couch, plops himself down beside me, and gives me the warmest and biggest hug ever. It feels so nice.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he mutters in my ear. I hug Daniel back.

"I know," I mutter back. I'm glad he cares about me, no matter what. Daniel soon pulls away and I can see his green eyes are twinkling.

"You ready to go home?" he asks. I nod with a weary smile and I kiss him on the cheek. Haley and Macy come back into the room with little frowns on their faces.

"You're leaving already?" They ask together. I signal them to come closer and I give them a hug.

"I had a lot of fun here with you two," I tell them. "And hey, maybe I'll visit again some day."

"Really?" Haley squeaks. I nod and the two girls' frowns turn into smiles. Daniel helps me stand up. I have an arm draped over his shoulders to keep myself on my feet. I'm still pretty frozen and numb. I turn to face Catherine.

"Once again, I really appreciate you helping me tonight, Catherine," I say. She grins and replies, "Take care."

Daniel opens the door and leads me to his car. I climb into the vehicle and I sit down in the passenger seat. Daniel starts up his car as I look out my window. The girls and Catherine are standing on the front porch, waving good-bye, so I wave, too. Daniel pulls out of the drive way and begins driving me back to my house.

Daniel asks me on the way back home about how I went missing. I take a moment to remember everything and then I tell him about the entire adventure.

A/N: What a happy ending. :)   

Thank you so much for reading 14 Degrees. It means a lot  to me. Also, if you enjoyed this story, feel free to vote, comment, and/or follow me.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and brainstorm another story to post. It will most likely just be a short Wreck-It Ralph or Super Mario fan fiction to express my dorky obsession for Disney and Nintendo that will stick with me for the rest of my life. You'll find my next story on Wattpad in a few weeks hopefully. But, until then.... BYE!! :)

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