Forgot About Daniel

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A/N: Hello! This is the first story I've written and posted that's first person and isn't fan fiction. I'm trying to make it long, but not drag. My last story I posted is super short, but you should read it sometime anyways if you didn't! :) But for now, enjoy this story I whipped up in my spare time.

Oh, one more thing: The author's notes will be notes I make as I'm in the process of writing the story. So, if I say, "check back in a day or so for the next chapter." and the next chapter's already one click away, just disregard the author's note and read on! :D

Page 62. I'm so close to finishing chapter seven. I'm not even half way done with the book and it's already getting good. No, great. For some reason I don't feel quite relaxed. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but what? I ran the dish washer already. I folded laundry. All the windows are closed to protect me from the winter weather. So, why do I feel like something's wrong?

Knock Knock Knock

I turn my head to face the door so suddenly that I almost lose balance. Who could be at my house at this hour? I neatly place my bookmark in between page 63 and 64 in my novel and I close the book, setting it on the nearby coffee table. I'll find out how the chapter ends later.

Knock Knock Knock!

"Who is it?" I call from my comfy seat on the couch.

"Who do you think it is?" a familiar voice calls back from behind the door. My eyes widen. That's what's wrong. It's Daniel at the door. It's our date night-and I totally forgot! I'm not even dressed or anything. Well, I have on a gray tank top and black sweatpants. I don't have clothes on that blend well with the freezing weather outside.

"Are you gonna, I don't know, invite me in?" Daniel asks, still shivering outside in the cold. I jump off the couch and rush to answer the door. I place my hand on the knob and say, "Don't judge me, okay?" As soon as I open the door a cold blast of air hits me, sending chills up my spine. I see Daniel all bundled up in a thick winter jacket with a red scarf around his neck. The tips of his ears are red. I hope he doesn't have frost bite. He steps inside and I quickly shut the door behind him.

"Now, why would I judge you-ohh..." he trails off, looking at my comfy outfit. He glances behind me and notices the book I was reading earlier. He pastes a sly smirk on his face. "You forgot, huh," he teases.

"Sorry, I've been super duper busy lately," I apologize with one of my stupid excuses. Daniel unzips his heavy jacket and hangs it up on the coat rack by us.

"Busy doing what?" he asks while unwrapping the scarf around his neck. He begins taking off his snow-covered shoes next.

"Reading," I answer, feeling a bit ashamed for forgetting about Daniel because of a good book. Daniel stands up from removing his shoes.

"Mmhm. Well, are you gonna get ready or do we have to postpone?"

"I'll be about fifteen minutes. Just wait here," I say and I dash up the steps to my room. Daniel smiles. I guess he finds it cute that I forgot.

I scurry into my room and shut the door behind me. I lock it for good measures. It just helps me to know that no one is going to walk in on me while I'm changing clothes. I pick out a random outfit from my closet and I begin to undress. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a long-sleeved purple shirt. My style is very simple, I know. Next, I open a drawer and grab my make-up purse. I have a big mirror in my room, so I just whip my make-up on in here. I paint on black liquid eyeliner on my eyelids and I draw little wings I see girls do sometimes. I don't bother with blush. The cold weather outside will take care of that for me. I don't put on lipstick either because I know Daniel's taking me out to eat. Any time I dine with lipstick, I feel like I'm smearing it everywhere even though I'm not. Okay, my make-up is simple, too. I can't help how simple I am. It's just me. I put on a warm coat and I slide my feet into my favorite pair of boots. Before I leave the room, I smoothen my straight brown hair that stops at my chin. While fixing my hair, I notice I still have diamond earrings in. I like them, so I leave them in. I head back downstairs.

Daniel is sitting on the couch and he watches me come down the stairs.

"Well, you look stunning this evening," he says. Daniel actually likes my simple styles.

"Thank you," I say with a shy smile. After Daniel puts back on his shoes, scarf, and coat, he walks towards me.

"You ready to go?" he asks while extending his hand. He waits for me to take it, and I do.

"Yep," I simply say. He opens the door for us and he escorts me to his parked car.

A/N: So, what do ya think so far? I'll try to update whenever I have time. Probably once every day or two. I can't promise anything, though, because I try my best to focus on school more than stories. Now, go socialize with your friends or something while I plot what will happen next. ;)

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