I still love him

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The sun slowly set behind Skyhold where it sat nestled in the Frostback Mountains. The castle looked even more mysterious as the shadows slowly moved across the castle walls. Everyone in the castle was heading in for the night and the soldiers changed their shifts. It was cold, like always. The wind wasn't strong this night, but the cold breeze of the winter wind would go through the castle courtyard and along the walls where the soldiers would shiver but continued walking, not wanting a little cold to bother them of their duty.

It was quiet. No cackling from Sera or yells from people that got pranked by the mischievous elf. There were no cheers or laughs coming from Herald's Rest where the Bull's chargers usually are. Cassandra's grunts and yells when she would hit or more like downright attack the dummies could not be heard echoing her little corner. The armory was quiet as well, not even the hammering of iron could be heard.  Blackwall was also fast asleep, he wasn't working on his Griffin toy or chopping wood. Dorian's sassy voice could not be heard in the library and he wasn't throwing books off the edge of the balcony. 

Even Cullen was asleep, although he would toss and turn from nightmares, poor man. Josephine's sweet voice was absent from the halls and the scribbling from her feather wasn't present. Varric slept soundly in his room, book open and his quill on the floor. Vivienna, that sassy and arrogant woman slept soundly in her bed, covers drawn up to her chin. Leiana was awake, of course, she was. Also, Cole was awake as well, he never sleeps. Says he likes to watch people sleep. 

The Inquisitor was awake, she couldn't sleep. Her mark was keeping her awake among other things. The platinum blond took the heavy covers off of her petite form and swung her pale legs off the side of the bed and onto the warm stones. The fireplace was always on since she liked to keep the balcony doors open. Cold air, mixing with warm reminded her of her time living in the forest with her clan.

Her long hair, usually in a braid, now loose, fell down her back like a pale waterfall. The elf's wine colored eyes looked down at the glowing mark on her palm and didn't wince when it pulsed. She was used to it...but it still kept her up at nights. A night like this. Elanor wished this was all a dream. That she was with her clan again, watching her brothers and sisters run around having fun. Helping her Emel with dinner and going on hunts with her Adar. 

But, she knew she couldn't. No matter how much she wished so. There were perks of being the Inquisitor. Like having anything she wanted at a moment's notice. She had wonderful friends, even though some of them were a pain in the butt at times. Elanor had this wonderful castle that could protect her friends and this big room where she could go at times to get away from everything and anything...for a little while. The elf paused in her thoughts as a certain person popped into her head. 

Well, there was one thing that she missed. Even though Corypheus was gone and mostly everything was back to normal, there were still portals around Thedas that she had to close. The person that she wants back...the love that left the elf after they won the battle. Solas...he left her after everything was okay again. He just left, no goodbye or explanation or even a note! Just gone.

Elanor looked everywhere for him, she asked around and even went to other clans to see if they've seen him. Nothing. It was like...it was like he was never here to begin with. The elf pushed off the bed and grabbed her warm robe beside her. Elanor walked to out of the room and down the stairs to the throne room. It was quiet as she walked through the halls of Skyhold. Her feet made little noise as she walked across the cold stones. 

"Couldn't sleep?" Leiana's quiet voice snapped Elanor out of her daze and she blinked her big eyes at the redhead, the woman had a small smile on her pale face as she watched her friend with those calculating eyes of hers. 

Elanor gave the woman a tired smile and nodded her head lightly "Yeah, the mark woke me up" The elf's soft yet tired voice cut through the silence. Leiana nodded her head and motioned over to the boxes near the door that led to the balcony.

"A penny for your thought?" the spymaster asked and Elanor huffed out a laugh and followed the human over to the boxes and on closer inspection, there were pillows and covers on the boxes that looked like a makeshift bed or couch. 

The two women sat in comfortable silence and soon the elf let out a small sigh and sat back against the pillows. 

"It's about Solas" her voice wavered slightly as she thought about the male. Elanor could feel Leiana's gaze on her, but she didn't look over. Instead, she turned her gaze to the crows who slept soundly in their cages. Leiana kept quiet as she waited for Elanor to continue.

"I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the one for me. We both knew it right away" a tender look in her eyes as she spoke but then she frowned "And as the months went on, things got more difficult-we were faced with more challenges. I begged him to stay. Try to remember what we had at the beginning." Elanor's voice became soft when she looked away from the sleeping birds and closed her eyes to try and hide her tears

Elanor remembered when Solas brought her to the secret place with the beautiful waterfall. She remembered the way he looked at her when the markings she had for her whole life were finally gone. The kiss that he gave her and the pressure of his hand on her lower back. 

Elanor remembered the way her heart shattered into a million pieces when he pulled away and left her standing there alone and heartbroken. The elf took a shaky breath and wiped the tears that fell from her closed eyes. She opened her watery wine eyes and looked up at the wooden ceiling.

"He was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it. When he would walk into a room, every woman's head turned, everyone stood up to talk to him. He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself. I always got the sense that he would become torn between being a good person and missing out on the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him" the elf opened her eyes and let out another shaky sigh to calm herself. The blond stood up and wrapped her arms around herself and walked to the balcony. She could hear the redhead following behind her.

"And in that way, I understood him and I loved him" She gave a small laugh filled with happiness but also sadness. Elanor put her hands on the cold stone railings and looked up at the huge moon in the night sky. 

"I loved him, I loved him, I loved him" she paused and looked over at Leiana who was looking at the woman with curiosity but also understanding. "And I still love him. I love him."


Hey guys! I'm not dead! *cheers* I know it has been a very long time since I updated anything, including this book. But don't worry! I haven't forgotten about this or my other books including the Yautja one. I have a draft like half done, it'll probably take a few more days until I finally have chapter 19 out, so until then, here is an idea I had floating around in my head.  A one shot of my elf Elanor who had romanced Solas, but he broke her heart and well left her. The dialogue that she's saying is by Lana Del Rey. "I still love him" It's from her Album or music video called National Anthem. I tried to find it on Spotify but had no luck. But yeah, it's a beautiful piece of work and I decided to use that as my inspiration for this!

Anyway, like I said before, I will update soon. I know I keep saying that, but I will! So, don't worry! If you have any comments, questions, concerns or just want to say hi, message me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can! Bye-Bye! *Waves*

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