I'm Ready

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So, this short story is about Fyllo and Y/N. Although, Fyllo is not my character, he is a character that was made by Shinorisu on TikTok and she gave me permission to write about this character! She's an awesome cosplayer btw and you should definitely check her out! Nothing belongs to me besides the reader insert and I'm adding a bit on the idea that she had! Enjoy!


You saw through me
All this time
I'd forgotten
People are kind

The moon sat high in the sky with billions of stars keeping it company, occasionally a shooting star could be seen shooting across the sky before disappearing. The pale moonlight shined down on the forest below, sounds of crickets and fogs could be heard throughout the dimly lit forest. Nothing was awake except the nocturnal animals, but even they were quiet as well. It seemed like they did not want to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. Deeper into the forest the trees opened up int a small grove, the land was protected by the Elven tribes. Although, a lot of the land had been taken by humans. Places like these groves were still secret and the Elves hoped it would stay that way for a long time. 

The moonlight spilled into the grove, making the trees and grass glow like some kind of magic. It was very magical in itself, quiet, calm and peaceful. Going through half of the grove was a babbling stream where the frogs were a bit louder and the crickets provided a small feast for the loud animals. Near the stream a small tent was pitched up and small campfire fended off the chilly night air. Two people were sitting close together near the fire, a elf and a human. Fyllo stared at the fire with a distant look in his icy blue eyes while he softly rubbed his thumb over (y/n)'s hand. They were dozing off on his shoulder, trying to not fall asleep and Fyllo glanced down at their head with a small smile before looking back at the fire with a very small sigh. He didn't want to be loud and disturb their sleep, they both had a long day of walking through the forest, and playing a game of hide and seek. Fyllo quickly found (y/n) who had whined that he cheated. Fyllo did not cheat. (y/n) was just very loud and could not hold back their laughs. 

The Elf never imagined in a million years that he would fall in love with a human. The very race that he has sworn to kill. The race that wounded his sibling. (y/n) was different, innocent and kind. Not corrupted by this disgusting world they lived in. It was strange to be in love. He never thought he would find someone to love, someone that actually cared about him and wasn't going to betray him. Fyllo looked away from the crackling flames and out to the groves. He had met his lover here when they were just roaming around the grove. Fyllo was angry that they were in sacred land that no human was to set foot in. He was glad he didn't shoot right away or (y/n) would not be here with him. "Fyllo! I found you!" Those were the words that shocked him, the child he had saved and brought back to their home, actually found him. 

I was hurting
And you knew
So you showed me
What to do

The brunette hated humans. Hate does not describe how much he despised the race. All they do is take and take and take. They're a greedy, disgusting, race that treat their own kind horribly. Yet, as Fyllo looked down at his lover and saw them nuzzle more against his side, he could not hate them. He could never hate them. Fyllo sighed and gently pulled his human closer who muttered something sleepily and gripped his shirt tightly. The elf felt warmth clutch heart and spread through his body. Oh, how he loved them. He loved them so much it hurt. But he couldn't tell them, it wasn't like he didn't want to, but it was hard for him. Every Elf in his tribe stayed away from him once he became what he is today. Loving another was a sign of weakness to him. Anyone could use (y/n) to get to him, and he has made a lot of enemies. Fyllo shook his head lightly, making his long hair fall off his shoulder and into (y/n)'s face who sneezed and shifted against the elf. 

"Fyllo?" Their sleepy voice made the other look down at them with slight amusement swimming in his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, love. Did I wake you?" The elf softly said and lifted his arm as (y/n) sat up and rubbed their (e/c) eyes. They nodded sleepily and yawned widely behind their hand. 

"Mhm. You did...are you alright?" The human asked as they finally looked at their lover with slight worry. (y/n) watched as Fyllo looked away with a small frown, making (y/n) reach over to cup the Elf's cheek and gently turn his head to them. Fyllo looked at the other with many emotions in his eyes, although, he was feeling worried and scared. Scared because he was uncertain what the future would hold for the both of them. But...He was also scared because he had to leave for war. He had to leave so he could protect (y/n).

You said, "I will listen
Tell it all
When you're finished
We'll talk more"

Fyllo reached up and placed his hand on theirs, leaning into their touch and swallowed thickly. He looked at them with hooded eyes before looking away and to the side. "I'm leaving for war." he quietly said and it was very quiet between the two. He felt (y/n)'s hand twitch and a sharp shaky breath was heard from them. 

"W-what?" They shakily said and they removed their hand making Fyllo flinch lightly at the pain and confusion in their voice. "But, you said it was the last-"

"I KNOW....what I said" Fyllo suddenly lashed out at them, he didn't mean to raise his voice at them. He really didn't and the way they flinched in surprise and fright from him made the Elf want to slap himself. He took a deep breath to calm himself and swallowed again, he watched (y/n) look away from him, trying to hold back their tears. Their lip was trembling and Fyllo knew  he messed up. He hated how angry he would get or how his emotions made him lash out to the one he loved.

"(y/n)..." he saw the other swallow and quickly swiped the tears that escaped, he hated seeing (y/n) cry. And he hated himself because he was the one that made them cry. "(y/n)....look at me...please..." Fyllo begged as he carefully reached out and cupped their cheek, wiping away their tears with his thumb. The human took a shaky breath and looked at Fyllo, bottom lip trembling lightly and Fyllo gave the other a sad smile.

"I'm sorry. I have to do this..." (y/n) closed their eyes, more tears falling down their cheeks and Fyllo leaned forward, gently laying his forehead against theirs.

"You...might die. You promised me you weren't going to go back...you promised." (y/n) cried gently and the Elf bit his lip, his eyes were closed and he had to force himself to not cry.

"I know I did....I know. I'll come back to you. I promise..."

But I didn't know how
So we took it in turns
And to my surprise
We found my words

Feet firm on the ground
We stood hand in hand
the world seemed to tell me
That I have a plan

(y/n) eventually fell back to sleep, their eyes were puffy and red from crying and even in their sleep, a few tears dared to escape. Fyllo watched them sleep and let out another sigh. This wasn't the last time he was going to war, he knew he made a promise and he broke it. He's going to keep breaking those promises and he wondered if (y/n) would even stay with him. The Elf gently ran his fingers through his lover's hair and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on their forehead. Fyllo pulled back and looked up at the night sky and closed his eyes with a calm look washing over his face. 

Together we sang
I'm ready now

"I love you, (y/n)"


And that is that! I had fun with this and I hoped you liked it too, Shinorisu! Thank you for making such amazing characters! You always bring a smile to my face when I watch you videos! The song lyrics that I used are called Ready Now by Dodie. I just really love how it sounds and I thought it was a good song for this short story. I hope I did your character right, Shinorisu! 

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