He nodded briefly, letting the information settle before gathering his thoughts. From what she could tell, Embry was not a very good conversationalist- though that could only be because of her. If she was anything else this would have been easy, they could have already been together.

Though she probably would not have met him otherwise, or maybe she would. She had no way of knowing the turn of events and how they would pan out. It was possible that they would have met at the wedding, as a good friend of the bride she would have been there but maybe she would have already left for college? Reyna may not have had the chance to be present at such a ceremony, would've missed her chance.

Would she have still been his imprint, his soul mate, had she been human still?

The thought caused her to release a choked sound from the back of her throat, her carefully held breath tumbling passed her lips in a whoosh and she sucked in new air greedily out of habit.

The scent of him enveloped her, swirling in her lungs in a fashion that burned. Reyna became acutely aware to the sound of his steady heart, the muscle pumping confidently in his chest. He did not seem to fear her, Embry was proud in his ability to defend himself.

Forcing it down, she clamped her mouth shut firmly, a hand coming up to cover her flared nostrils. The itch in her throat was addicting- she could grow accustomed to the way he made her feel.

"The food you've been bringing to the treaty line?" Embry eyed her slowly.

"Yeah, I make everything here before I bring it. I can't really go out like they do so this helps keep me occupied. There are a lot of hours in the day," she told him, words muffled by the position of her hand. It was a risk, speaking now when she was so embraced by the vibrations of his blood.

Embry drew closer and Reyna felt oddly like he was testing her, trying to see how far he could push her until she felt like she would snap. There must have been something that changed in her appearance, other than her hand that covered her mouth. She figured it was it was her eyes, the dark pools that always changed with her thirst whenever he was present to tempt her.

Her shield pulsed warningly in front of him, stopping him in his path- her free hand suspended feebly before her as she let it fall simply back at her side.

"I wouldn't get too close," she advised shamefully, looking anywhere but at him.

It was silent, her words suspended in air and Reyna wished that her heart worked simply so she could hear it racing in her chest.

"Do you think you would hurt me?" he pushed, inching forward carefully.

"I don't want to risk it. Ever."

Abandoning the tense atmosphere, she crossed the room to her window, her arm brushing against his sinfully. Sparks shot over her, electrifying her veins, and sending her head reeling. It made so much more sense now, why so many vampires clung to their mates other than to combat the loneliness- it made them feel alive, a simple touch made her feel alive.

Fresh air hit her face and the sensation was gone, her lungs filling with the clean air from the forest- pine and dirt filling her. She perched herself on the ledge, hair tucked behind her ear so she could watch him easier.

"Why did you come?" Reyna finally addressed the question. "Why now, after so long?"

He bit his lip, worrying the skin dangerously as he considered her inquiry. If she didn't know better, her first guessed would have been instinct, some more primal part in him driving him to come to her.

Her eyes were drawn across the room, falling on her phone as it began to ring shrilly. Sparring him an apologetic glance, she had the device pressed to her ear in a burst of speed.

Beauty and the Beast | Embry Call [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now