The News

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Shirayuki definitely knew a lot more about flesh wounds and diseases then the female body itself.
She was an herbalist, not a midwife.
But she still knew obvious things— Not just because she was a trained pharmacist, but a female herself. There were things that are most definitely odd, no matter your title.
Not receiving a period in the span of  5 weeks was one of them. After she missed the date for the first time, she brushed it off as a result of stress. She had only been given her title and place by Zen's side four months earlier, and she had decided to continue her work as a royal pharmacist along with dealing some minor castle matters, and that could make for quite some work. She was always doing something— whether it be making a remedy for the castle staff, or signing off on some paperwork that demanded her attention. She carefully made sure she didn't complain, though. It was her decision after all. Her love for Zen was too strong to not be married to him— But she was too passionate about her work to give up after all these years. Thus, her workload was massive and she had been extremely stressed out most of the time. So when she noticed she hadn't gotten her period the first month, she wasn't worried.
This was a bit different.
She missed it again. She wasn't stupid, either. She took note of the nights she spent with Zen. She had only vomited once, and since it wasn't in a pattern she again brushed it off as stress or anxiety. But mixed with the missed periods and the number of times her and Zen have been careless, she accepted the idea. She wanted to be sure though, and not get too exited.

"Looks like it, your highness." Chief Garak grinned.
Shirayuki didn't want to bother with a midwife or someone who specializes in pregnancy. Someone would surely notice and make unneeded gossip float around, which would result in a lot of things Shirayuki didn't desire, so when it was time for her to get to work that day, she first asked Garak and Ryuu for their input.
Her hands shook as she placed down her tea cup, taken a sip just seconds earlier. She swallowed hard. "You're certain?"
"Well, with everything you've said, it's painfully obvious to me. Congratulations Shirayuki, Seems like you'll be a mother." Ryuu, standing at a counter close by, nodded and gave a weak smile. "Yes, what she said. Congratulations to you."
Shirayuki stood slowly, still shaking a bit and gave a bow. "Thank you both very much, and I would like to request that this not be shared until an official announcement is given."
Garak gave a small nod and waved, signaling the end of the conversation. Shirayuki began to walk out the door, but was stopped by the chief's final question. "Oh yes, do you wish to take the rest of the day off to speak with the prince?"
Shirayuki turned to the blonde herbalist.
"No, Zen is booked with meetings today. I- I'll start work here today and tell him later tonight."

Shirayuki's fingers fidgeted nervously as she waited, sat on a couch not too far from the bed she shared with her husband in their quarters. Zen should be headed for his room here soon, which is where Shirayuki will give him the news. She thought of no reason to drag it out and delay telling him, no matter how nervous she felt. Her heart was already beating at a quick pace, but it pounded at the sound of the doorknob jingling. She sat up straight and took a deep breath as Zen walked through the door, silently just in case his wife had already gone to sleep. His eyes met hers when he realized she was by the couch rather than bed. "Evening'." He spoke.
"Zen, come sit."
"Oh no," he thought.
"She's mad."
His mind went over reasons why she could angry with him and he sat down on the couch with her.
"What is it? Is everything okay? What did I do?"
Shirayuki twisted her fingers into his as she hushed him.
"No no, nothing like that. All is good."
Zen let out a sigh of relief.
"In that case, what's up?"
Shirayuki's fingers continued to fidget around, messing with his in the process.
"I don't want to make this tedious, so I'll just come out and say it."
Zen nodded.
"Zen, love, I'm expecting."
He blinked.
Shirayuki knew this wasn't a genuine question. Anyone with a brain knew what she was referring to. She let him process for a moment as she squeezed his hands tighter.
"Oh." he whispered.
Shirayuki's heart sank, scared that he had been disappointed.
"N-No! I don't mean 'Oh'... I mean... 'OH!"
Zen shouted, realizing his less than ideal response.
"Shirayuki, this is wonderful news! I can't believe it, I-I don't mean to sound sarcastic, i'm just in shock."
She responded with the typical Shirayuki smile. "We're going to be parents, Zen."
Zen chuckled nervously, still shook. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her hair. "I'm so glad. Thank you, Shirayuki." He said in a muffled whisper.

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