Next second, Derek's fist went flying against Stiles' hand, who cried out in pain as his hand met the cold hard steel table. "Ah, ouh, okay. He could do it" Stiles whimpered as he walked around the room, shaking the hand that Derek just hit.

"I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down?" Derek asked us.

"I'm coming!" I replied and held my hand up.

"Oh no, you're not!" Stiles yelled from the other side of the loft.

"I'm not?!"

"No, you're not! Amber, I can see that your still weak from what you did yesterday. Don't you think, that I didn't see how you leaned against the table the whole time while I was explaining. Also, you're skin is really pale which means that you're not feeling well. So please do me... no do yourself a favor and take a rest this time, please" he said while he trotted back to us.

Derek agreed with Stiles and looked at the other werewolves in the room.

"Don't look at me" Peter said who was still sitting on the stairs up to my room. "I'm not up to fighting speed yet and honestly, with Amber out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself."

"So, I'm supposed to just let them die?"

"One of them is already dead!"

"We don't know that!" Derek argued with his uncle Peter.

"Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of alphas, all of them, killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boys were sweet kids. They're going to be missed" Peter said ice cold.

Stiles rolled his eyes and stared at Derek. "Could somebody kill him again, please?"

"What about you?" Derek said, ignoring Stiles' plea.

"Yeah, if you want me to come..." Stiles replied but Derek stopped him once again. "Not you."

"Got it."

Scott sighed, "I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd's still alive, we have to do something. We have to try."

"I feel like there's a but" I muttered.

"Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?" he answered.

Derek shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his jacket, throwing it over his shoulder. "I don't care, but we better hurry. Scott, you come with me. Amber? Stay here with these two."

They all nodded, except for me. I didn't want to stay in the same room as the one who bit me and changed my whole life and the one who was about to break my heart into billion of pieces. But I had no other choice.

We waited nearly hours without a text from Scott or Derek. Peter moved from the stairs to the couch and put his feed on the coffee table while Stiles stood in front of the windows. I sat on the stairs in front of the door and held my knees tight to my body.

"I can't take waiting around like this, you know? It's nerve racking. My nerves are racked. They're severely racked. Racked."

"I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over" Peter suggested but Stiles ignored him. "You think Erica's really dead?"

"You think I really care?"

"I just... I don't understand the bank though, okay? What, why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something?" Stiles asked while he walked over to the giant whole in one of the walls where Derek kept his bed in. "They're an alpha pack, right? So shouldn't they have a lair?"

Insatiability - Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now